Paul St John
Montgomery, AL
QCWA # 35372
Chapter 40
My wife, Joeanne (Peanut) is N4NUT and I am real proud her & love her very much.
CQ zone 4 & ITU zone 8
Rigs: Yaesu FT-1000MP MARK-V Field
Icom 706MKIIG in the mobile
Yaesu FT-840 backup setup for 3.965 for the Alabama Traffic net Mike.
Antenna: Beam Force 12, C19XR with CDE Ham-III Rotor & Dioples
Amp: Ameriton AL-572 & ALS-500M
Misc: MFJ-989C and LDG AT-1000 Tuners
Swan WM-3000 Peak Reading Watt Meter
MFJ-4275MV and Astron RS-35M Power Supplies
I love to work DX and have worked 334 countries with 317 confirmed.
I am a member of the ARRL, Southeastern DX Club, and Montgomery ARC in Alabama.
I have ARRL: (DXCC w/ Mixed, Phone, CW, 40M, 20M, 17M, 15M, & 10M) Millennium, WAC, and WAS.
eQSL: eCanada, eDX100, ePFX300, eWAS, and eZ40
1st Place: 1982 ARRL Novice Roundup, Technician Class, AL Section
1st Place: 2004 ARRL International DX, Phone Single Op 20-Meters, AL Section
1st Place: 2005 IARU HF World Championship, Single Op Mx Mode Low Power, AL Section
46th Place: 2007 CQ WPX CW, Single Op Low Power All Band, 4th US CAll Area
1st Place: 2008 Montgomery ARC Field Day Award - Most Phone contact - W4AP SSB Station
58th Place: 2013 CQ WPX SSB, Single Op Low Power All Band, 4th US CAll Area
31th Place: 2014 CQ WPX SSB, Single Op High Power All Band, 4th US CAll Area
Old Calls = Date issued KA4MIP = 01/25/1980 Novice
N4DLV = 07/08/1980 Technician
N4DLV = 07/09/1982 General
N4DLV = 10/05/1982 Advance
N4DLV = 06/01/2000 Extra
WA4AL = 09/02/2000 Extra
K4APG = 02/19/2003 Extra
NA4MM = 09/21/2013 Extra
November 10, 2014