Fred H. Zumwalt
Stafford, VA
QCWA # 38318
SKCC # 22824
FISTS # 20339
First Call: WN0EEH issued in 1971
1971 - WNØEEH (Novice in Colorado) (14 years old)
1973 - WBØEEH (Conditional, General, and Advanced in Colorado, Connecticut, California, New Hampshire, and South Carolina)
1985 - NCØU (Extra in South Carolina and Virginia)
1976-1983 - US Navy - Submarine communications and cryptographic equipment maintenance, USS George Bancroft (SSBN643B) and USS Tecumseh (SSBN627B), RM1(SS)
1983-2003 - Federal Bureau of Investigation - Maintenance, design, deployment, management of various FBI encrypted land mobile radio systems
2003-2013 - US Department of Justice . Maintenance, design, deployment, management, operations of various USDOJ encrypted land mobile radio systems
2016-present - Clinical mental health counselor
HF - Yaesu FT-891, End-fed 1/2 wave wire on 80 - 6 meters, primarily CW and digital
VHF/UHF - Anytone AT-D868 and Yaesu FT2D, FT-70D
Happy to QSL

August 19, 2020