Fernando M. 'Fred' Semiao
South River, NJ
QCWA # 37002
I been living in New Jersey most of my life, grew up and lived in the same town of South River.
My QSL card is a pic of the South River train swing bridge which is still in operation today and is one of the last remaining hand-cranked swing bridges in the USA. This bridge requires that the bridge tender walk across the river on a plankway climb up to the bridge, use a very long arch bar and walk in circles while pushing the arch bar to slowly rotate the bridge.... It allows freight trains to cross from the borough of South River to the next town over.
Originally licensed in the late 70's but was a swl since a very early age 6 or 7 years old, used a Hallicrafters S-38C which i still have in my collection. Been working in general 2-way radio, microwave satellite uplinks wireless communications field etc as support technician for too many years. I have a number of hobbies and tend to rotate them, but ham radio has always been my first love next to the YL hahaha..... Now with a new cat in the house I prefer to keep it nice and quiet with the digital modes. I generally use a homebrew 6L6 one tube rig and a KX3 in cw and digital modes but I've been known to hop around modes from time to time. I find operating qrp fun and very challenging. I am not a contester nor a country hunter, but enjoy having a relaxed contact. I go by "Freddie" on the air.
Active in Amateur TeleVision (ATV) real TV, not cell phone camera...When i am not on the radio i don't wanna be found smiley I will send QSL cards direct or via bureau, will gladly send sase envelope for cards as well. I do collect Qsl's... I still enjoy the old tradition QSO=QSL.
ARRL Life member.........
I hope to work you soon..... Or, if you have worked me in the past, thanks for stopping by........

March 01, 2016