Gar W. 'Doc' Ko
Wichita, KS
QCWA # 34479
Chapter 70
Known as 'Doc' over-the-air.
Doc is President of Federal Consultants Corporation, and serves as principal consultant, RF metrologist, and graduate/post-graduate/post-doc electrical engineer. FCCorp is dedicated to serving science and industry with investigative EMC-EMI-RFI measurements and analysis. He is member of IEEE.
Doc has an extensive background in Metrology - the science of precise measurement. He was trained by the federal government and is a Graduate Diplomate in PME Metrology under the Air Force Logistics Command from the Aerospace Guidance and Metrology Center (Newark Air Force Station) in Ohio (1966-1970). He owned and operated the Analytical Electronics Laboratory, Inc. located in east Wichita (across from the VA hospital) from 1979 to 1991. This primary electrical standards laboratory facility was directly traced to the National Bureau of Standards, NBS (now NIST) and the United States Naval Observatory, both in Washington, D.C.
His Category III - Laboratory and Cleanroom was the only primary level facility of its kind in a 5 state area. Doc brought the first Atomic Clock, an HP5062C Cesium Beam Primary Time and Frequency Standard to Wichita in 1980. This first Atomic Clock in Kansas was from a Trident Nuclear Submarine. Several years later, Doc brought yet another HP5061A (High Performance Option) Cesium Beam Primary Clock to his laboratory. Eventually, Doc had three (3) Atomic Clocks (another HP5061A with the High Performance Option Cesium Beam Tube) in his laboratory all being compared to each other. The combined frequency accuracy of these "Cesium" atomic clocks were greater then 0.01 parts per trillion (1 x 10exp14). In addition to the inter-comparison of these three Atomic Clocks, Doc had them constantly phased-locked to the U.S. National Atomic Clocks at NBS and USNO through the use of GPS, LORAN-C, OMEGA, WWVB and the NBS remote computer system. The Cesium Beam Time and Frequency Standards at Doc's metrology laboratory were all directly traced to the USNO Flying Clock via their team, which made frequent trips to his laboratory in Wichita. Doc's USNO certified time with his 3 atomic standards did not gain or lose 1 second in 3,200,000 years (3.2 million years).
Doc then transferred this very high accuracy and stability of time and frequency to hundreds of scientific users in the U.S. for over a decade.
From his extreme scientific efforts, he was known as "Father Frequency" among all the high-end users of his precise standards of reference.
Since 1972, he has been researching and investigating the electromagnetic spectral characteristics and gyromagnetic wave phenomena associated with the formation of tornados. As an EM spectroscopist, he has gathered enough logged data to determine a 'highly probable' fundamental frequency in the LF/MF spherics band and many of its odd and even harmonics up to and including the 108th harmonic in the VHF broadcast band. This important and essential research work is ongoing to this day under the FCCorp's EM Research Arm.
As of April 9, 2005 - Doc has re-entered into the extreme precise world of measuring time, frequency, and phase with nuclear (atomic) pico and femto stabilities. He currently has eleven (11) Cesium Beam Primary Time and Frequency Reference Standards (which include several HP5061A's with High Performance CBT's, a HP5061B, three HP5062C's, an FTS4060, and an HP5071A). He also maintains a Rubidium Vapor Secondary Time and Frequency Reference Standard (HP5065A). His 12 or Teragram Array of true Atomic Time and Frequency Standards are now collectively and directly phase-locked with USNO and NIST via the GPS Constellation and WWVB (which are all referenced to the full array of U.S. National Atomic Time and Frequency Primary Standards).
He has now rebuilt his laboratory and observatory (Bio-Nucleonics under the umbrella of the FCCorp) to disseminate this Time, Frequency, and Phase service to industry, science and technology. He is professionally providing his services in Analytical, Investigative, and Forensic Electromagnetics to include EMC, RFI, EMI, EMP, EMR, ECM, ECCM, and Power Frequency Harmonics utilizing his FCC-type Mobile Measurement Laboratory (MML). In addition, Doc, researches and investigates the Biological and Psychophysiological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) as well as all electromagnetic fields both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. In his laboratory, his full spectrum analysis capabilities range from 0.000064 Hz (ELF) to 220 GHz (millimeter wave). He tracks, measures, and analyzes planewave (transverse electromagnetic waves), single-axis electric fields (E-fields), single-axis magnetic fields (H-fields), and three-axis magnetic flux density fields (B-fields) to MIL-STDs 285 and 461 as well as IEEE-STD 299 (1997).
Doc is still engaged in leading edge ongoing research in brainwave entrainment technology. His field of research is Neurobioelectromagnetics. He accomplishes this with pure, time-varying, magnetic fields precisely produced with a precision Helmholtz coil system. The magnetic brainwave entrained frequencies are stable and accurate to 1 nanoHertz (phased locked to his maintained primary atomic reference standards).
When Doc was a very young boy of 6 years, he was taken under the wing of a veteran WWII radio operator from the Navy. Along with this veteran, two additional radio operators who were licensed as amateurs, also joined together to take Doc under their wings. In the radio room of one of these mentors, Doc witnessed the receiving of a very strange beeping signal from a radio beacon on both 20 and 40 megacycles. It was a very weak signal and could barely be heard. The mentors placed an old military set of headphones on him to improve hearing this strange and unusual signal. They also rigged up a method to send this signal to an oscillographic recorder to display it in time. They went further to explain where this signal was coming from and with a planetary desktop globe and a very small glass marble began showing him that this signal was being transmitted from the very first Russian satellite named Sputnik encircling our earth in an orbital path. Actually, it was Sputnik II. This all occurred on a very cold weekend evening in November 1957 in central Ohio.
Again, from the radio room of this same mentored operator, in February 1958, Doc received a VHF telemetry signal from the Explorer I satellite at 108 megacycles. In May, 1958, Doc received yet another VHF beacon signal at 108 megacycles from the Vanguard I satellite. By this time, this experience totally had Doc consumed. At his first opportunity, he went to the public library to see if he could find any books on satellites. None could be found. He was able to find and checkout a book on rocketry and began studying it. In the meantime, the mentors had other plans to introduce Doc to amateur radio. They exposed him to Morse code, radioteletype, transmitting and receiving pictures, etc. One of the mentors was a broadcast engineer at one of the local radio and television stations and gave him a tour of their facility and explained his responsibility to keep this commercial station up and running and well within compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This also had a profound effect on Doc and planted a seed in him to pursue and obtain the FCC commercial licenses one day.
On or near Doc's 8th birthday in July, 1959, he took the FCC exam for his novice class license and passed, his assigned call was WN8ZKN. The mentors all further guided him to put his first radio station together. Some of the radio equipment was already built and some of it had to be built by Doc as required by his mentors.
In August, 1960, Doc took his next FCC exam in Columbus, Ohio at the Federal Building and passed it. His license was then upgraded and his call became WA8ZKN.
In September, 1960, Doc further received a VHF signal from the 'satelloon' named Echo I at 108 megacycles.
In September, 1962, Doc witnessed the first time-synchronization between two time standards at the NRL in the United Kingdom and NBS laboratory in the United States to within 1 microsecond utilizing the Telstar I satellite.
In March, 1964, Doc received the VHF beacon signal from Echo II at 136 megacycles.
In 1965, Doc was introduced to his first Cesium Beam Atomic Time and Frequency Standard, a Hewlett-Packard Model 5060A, at the Newark Air Force Station in Newark, Ohio. While there, he acquired yet another mentor who was a high-level physicist and electronics engineer for the federal government. One year later, Doc was hired by NAFS and AGMC as an intern and understudy with his mentor in his laboratory. This experience changed Doc forever and pointed him on his pre-destined career path in electrical/electronics engineering and electromagnetics as applied to Radio Physics, Radio Science, Electro-Physics, and Electro-Science.
In 1970, Doc was introduced to his next mentor, John D. Kraus, W8JK, and professor of Electrical Engineering (Electromagnetics) and Radio Astronomy at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. The rest is history and now a legacy.
When Doc was brought to Kansas from Ohio State in 1977 to work for the Boeing Wichita Military Division (as a high-level member of Technical Staff - Navigation Guidance & Weapons) he was issued the call - NØEQS. Now he is NE8S and member of ARRL, AMSAT, and QCWA. He is a Life Member of CSVHFS and CHARS.
Doc is founder and president of the College Hill Amateur Radio Society (CHARS) in Wichita, Kansas. CHARS operates its own radio station and is licensed by the FCC as NØEQS, which was Doc's assigned callsign before being issued NE8S. CHARS also operates a 70 cm repeater in Wichita on College Hill (444.575 MHz with PL 100.0 Hz) with an EchoLink node.
Having always been extremely submerged into electromagnetics and propagation, Doc still measures all the background energy flux and natural magnetic fields at his radio station site to determine the current state of conditions in solar terrestrial physics and its immediate, short-term, and long-term effects on radio propagation, globally.
Today, Doc's NE8S mobile is fully equipped and is capable of transceiving from 160 meters to 12.5 centimeters or from 1.8 MHz to 2.4 GHz. On HF, RF power is 550 watts PEP. The Grand Caravan supports 9 antennas. The 160, 75, and 40 meter array is essentially utilizing 'Extremely High-Q Scalar Electromagnetics' in an LCLC (inductance-capacitance-inductance-capacitance) configuration with a variable large 5" inductor (variometer) utilizing a large ferrite core as the base, a mast, a capacitive element array, a large fixed inductor, and large capacitive top hat array. The 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10 meter antenna is a separate variable 3" inductor (variometer) with a ferrite core. The 6 meter antenna is a base loaded vertical. The 2 meter antenna is a 5/8 wave base loaded vertical. The 1.25 meter antenna is a 5/8 wave base loaded vertical, the 70 centimeter antenna is a 5.2 dB collinear vertical, and his 2.4 GHz antenna is a COMET radomed yagi. His VHF and UHF power out is 50 to 55 Watts (F3). Doc's receive capability of the electromagnetic spectrum in this vehicle is from 9 KiloHertz to 26.5 GigaHertz on a single HP8593EM EMC Analyzer. His ELF/ULF/VLF/LF spectrum measuring and analytical ability is from 64 microHertz to 100 KHz with an HP3561A.This same van also serves as the FCC-type MML and in the back space, contains Stoddart EMI receivers, High-end Spectrum Analyzers, Electrometers, Magnetometers, Parabolic Ultrasonic Detectors, and FLIR spectral camera, for field surveying of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. As of May 10, 2011 a second FCC MML Van has been launched to serve as an environmental scouting vehicle for the electromagnetic spectrum measurement field surveys, including that atmospheric phenomena: Tornadic Resonance.
One of the unique specialties in utilizing these two MML vans include locating, identifying, and characterizing Power Transmission Line Interference point sources and reporting them directly to the responsible electric utility company and (if necessary) the FCC field office EB (enforcement bureau) in that interfering area.
On foot, walking or hiking to very hard to reach areas, Doc has the portable measuring and analytical capability of the electromagnetic spectrum window from 9 KHz to 7.1 GHz with the Anritsu MS2721B "Spectrum Master" Spectrum Analyzer mounted on his chest in front of him. With the analyzer's ability to be phased-locked to the GPS constellation, his measurement points are precisely logged in Lat and Long coordinates, and his frequency measurements are within 25 parts-per-billion of the Cesium and Rubidium References aboard each of the GPS birds that it tracks. All of the spectral data is logged and stored on internal memory devices as well as extremely high capacity external (removable) memory devices. Data is then reconstructed back at the laboratory with MatLAB and directly laid out utilizing Anritsu and MapPoint software.
Doc has held the FCC 1st Class Commercial License since 1980 (P1-17-43128) and prior to that has held the 2nd Class License since 1969. He currently holds the FCC GROL, DM, DO, & DB Licenses in GMDSS all endorsed with RADAR and MASER. He also holds national and international certifications in electronics, communications technology, and wireless telecommunications.
His terrestrial station call is: NE8S - "Now Einstein 8 Space" or "North East 8 South" or "Neutron Electron 8 Scatter".
His wife, Rita, is K8PHD and his son, Michael, is KØZED both active operators.
February 17, 2013