Michael E. 'Mike' Nickolaus
South Sioux City, NE
QCWA # 23152
Chapter 25
I am married, father of 3 grown children, grandfather of 4 and great-grandfather of 6. My hobbies are Ham Radio of course, Bicycling nearly 4,000 miles each year, 35mm digital photography,and computers. I am retired from Tyson Foods, Inc. with 10 years and from the IBM corporation with 26 years of service.
As part of my bicycling hobby, I am the Secretary/Treasurer of the "Bicycle Mobile Hams of America", (BMHA), an organization that combines bicycling with Ham Radio. We have a web newsletter, web site and a forum each year at the Dayton HamVention.
I have been a Ham since 1964, with my orginal call of WA0KGD and now NF0N. My Ham activities include collecting prefixes, now 2240, active DXing, 300+ and contesting. I completed working all the USA counties my first time, USA-CA #53 in 1971, second time in 2005, #349, 3rd time in 2010, #226, completed BINGO in 2009 and am working on my fourth time. I operate mobile using an ICOM IC-706MKIIG radio and have made many county hunting trips and plan many more in future years.
November 13, 2014