Robyn M. Walters
Kihei, HI
QCWA # 36540
First licensed as KN2HOG in 1954, Robyn has applied herself mainly to DX contesting.
She changed her call from NQ4K to K7SR on moving from VA to WA in 1997 and then to KH6OA when buying a condo on Maui in 2007. Now NH7U since 2014.
She and her OM enyoy their little old 640 square foot, cluttered retirement condo on Maui. Retirement was supposed to bring lots of amateur radio opportunity, but condo living has limited the shack to a crowded corner and the antenna farm to a sort of G5RV lying on the roof plus an MFJ 40m to 2m rotable dipole about 7 feet above the roof.
Retirees don't really have that much free time, anyway, but she hopes to see you on the air. Her philosophy is that the only bad antenna is no antenna at all.
Same applies to the mobile station.
JT65 rocks, but slowly.
May 29, 2015