Mark S. Levenite
Richland, WA
QCWA # 32397
Chapter 170
I was first licensed at age 15 in 1977 as call WB3GOK. Over the years I have held the following US license classes: Novice (1 year), General (14 years), Advanced (10 years), and Extra (5 years as of 2007).
During the months of March through June 2002 I held the Vanity callsign NI4NI before obtaining my current call.
I have also had several foreign calls over the years as a result of my travels with the US Navy. Foreign calls held were VK6ADD (Western Australia), VK7ADD (Tasmania), WB3GOK/VS6 (Hong Kong), and VQ9ML (Chagos Archipelago, AKA Diego Garcia).
I mainly operate SSB on 40 meters but can be found operating any band 80-2 meters in CW, FM, AM, SSB, PSK-31, or SSTV modes.
I also am Net Control for the Sunday morning (10am - noon PT) informal session of the Noon-Time Net on 7268.5 kHz . Feel free to check-in & say "howdy"
See you on the air.
73, Mark
April 22, 2016