MaryAnn Cornett
Albuquerque, NM
QCWA # 36561
Chapter 94
First Call: WDØGDL issued in 1978 Other Call(s): KAØX
MaryAnn's first exposure to ham radio was listening to the Sunday night Caravan Club net on 66/06 (W5VKY). She got to hear real hams talking on a real ham radio about real ham radio stuff. She was amazed at how serious they were about watching for cars driving past their windows. She was surprised to learn that virtually every ham who checked into the net reported that there was 'no traffic' at their location.
Living in Iowa, her first QSO (16 Jan 1978) was a QRP CW contact with a station who (coincidentally!) worked at ARRL headquarters in Newington, CT. It was with WB1FSB - another YL! That was a pretty special introduction to Amateur Radio.
Before long, Mary Ann became enamored not with traffic passing, but with passing traffic. Radiograms, to be exact. She was appointed as the first Iowa ARRL Section Traffic Manager based on her participation on National Traffic System Area-, Region-, and Section-level nets.
Mary Ann is a member of the Valencia County Amateur Radio Association, a Lifetime ARRL member, and a member of the A-1 Operators Club.
May 18, 2020