NT4W - November 7, 2017
David L. 'Dave' Sargent
Annapolis, MD
QCWA # 35944
Chapter 20
First Call: KA4OBX Other Call(s): KC4PY
On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 this world lost a great man when David "Dave" L. Sargent peacefully passed away surrounded by family and friends. He valiantly fought his battle against cancer with dignity and grace.
Born on June 17, 1947 in Liberty, SC, Dave was the only child of the late James and Hazel Leslie Sargent.
He fulfilled an early dream of joining the South Carolina Highway Patrol and was involved in all areas of law enforcement. He was selected and trained as one of the first Breathalyzer Examiners in the state, and a member of the State Patrol's Riot Squad.
Dave was offered a new opportunity and joined W. R. Grace & Co., Grace Distribution Systems where he was quickly promoted to Director, Safety and Security, overseeing trucking and warehousing operations across the country. Dave was extremely successful and was honored by the South Carolina Motor Trucking Association in 1984 as its Safety Director of the Year. In 1985 the U.S. Department of Transportation hired Dave to manage a new division to be established to provide hazardous materials training and outreach to Federal, State, and local governments.
Dave successfully started up the program growing it from start to successful affiliations developing working relationships nationwide with law enforcement, fire services, and other emergency response organizations. Dave continued as its Director for more than twenty years. Dave represented DOT on many interagency working groups and committees such as the National Response Team, Continuity of Government Operations, and related National Security Programs. Dave received many awards and accolades from the Department of Transportation and the Federal Government. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta conferred the Department's 9/11 Ribbon Award and subsequently the War on Terrorism Award. Dave's Office was one of the first in the Federal Government to earn Vice President Gore's coveted "HAMMER Award" for outstanding contributions to make the government work better for less.
He retired from DOT in 2013. Dave retired with 25 years of service as member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. He served as Flotilla Commander, Staff Officer at the Flotilla, Division, District, and National levels. Dave was selected as Deputy Department Chief, Operations in 1996 and began work to start up a new Department of Marine Safety and Environmental Protection.
Dave was a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner. Dave was active with Amateur Radio with local radio clubs in Anne Arundel County, Quarter Century Wireless Association, Life Member of the American Radio Relay League, received the DXCC Award for confirming radio contacts with more than 275 countries, and he even operated wireless aboard the HMS Queen Mary berthed in Long Beach, CA.
He was a Board Member and served as Chairman of the Police Committee of the London Towne Property Owners Association. Captain Sargent was licensed as a Master, U.S. Merchant Marine Officer.
Dave enjoyed fun times aboard his boat cruising the South River, Chesapeake Bay, and other destinations in Maryland with his wife.
Dave is survived by his beloved wife, Pam Obee Sargent and his faithful canine companions, Axel and Ivy; his beloved nieces, Molly, Alexa, Megan and Chelsea; his beloved nephew, Christopher and his in-laws, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, cousins and many friends worldwide.
Family and friends are invited to celebrate Dave's life on Friday, November 17 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 PM at the George P. Kalas Funeral Home, 2973 Solomons Island Rd, Edgewater, MD where his funeral service will be held on Saturday, November 18 at 10 AM. Interment will be private in Liberty, SC.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions be made to the Wounded Warriors Project (woundedwarriorproject.org) or Mutts Matter Rescue (muttsmatterrescue.com).
Dave strived to make the world better than he found it.
May Dave now rest in peace with fair winds and following seas
My home was in South Carolina when first licensed as KA4OBX then KC4PY. My first station consisted of a couple of dipoles and as I upgraded my license to Extra NT4W in 1981, I enjoyed a 38 foot 'windmill' tower with an ATB34 beam and a 2 meter beam on top, also 10 meter beam mounted on a utility pole (pictures circa 1980).
In 1981 I earned DXCC Awards in phone and mixed and last count over 270 countries in 1985. In 1985 I left SC to move to Maryland and commuted to Washington, DC, daily until I retired. I was not very active in DX for about 30 years but kept my licensed renewed and operated mobile on 2 meters.
Now that I am retired I am back on the air using an FT991A Yaesu, ALS600 Ameritron, and a resonant End Fed Half Wave configured in an inverted 'L' with the open end approximately 85 feet high in a tall oak tree and a B&W Folded Dipole for 160 meters about 60 feet high.
During 1980, I had a chance DX conversation with Alan, ZS6BTI now ZS5AG, and we became fast friends. We and several others had a weekly schedule for years, unfortunately all are now 'Silent Keys' with only Alan and myself maintaining contact. We continue to have our weekly skeds but conduct them over Skype or FaceTime.
Alan has visited me several times and got a tour of the Nation's capital, the east coast, and cruising on the Chesapeake Bay. Who could have predicted two young hams would have maintained a close friendship for more than 35 years over a 7000 mile distance! I am a member of Anne Arundel Radio Club, the Quarter Century Wireless Association, and a 'Life Member' of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
I have been active checking into local nets, several HF nets, and recently very active working DX on several bands.
