Donald D. 'Don' Bowers
Doral, FL
QCWA # 37611
I was first licensed in 1957, as KN3CLZ, at the age of 17. At that time, the Novice license was good for only one year and not renewable. Six months later, I was in the Navy, at sea, out of the country, so the license expired. It would be 22 years until I was again licensed, as a novice, with the callsign KA4RPM. The upgrade to General, as N5FLZ, happened in 1982, and to extra class in 2001. Chasing DX is now my main interest and I'm usually on the HF bands.
As of April 2012, I am mostly living, as a Pensionado (Retiree), in the Republic of Panama on the Pacific coast in the area called Playa Coronado, and my call sign there is HP1BD. Look for me on the spotting nets. NX4O will continue to be on the air when I am in the US, and I have access to the necessary equipment, but I usually only come to the US for a visit with family or for medical appointments. In Panama am located in a blessed propogation area less that eight degrees north of the equator and my 500 watts and a two element beam seems to be able to work the world with ease. I am located less than a kilometer from the Pacific Ocean and about 50 to 60 kilometers from the Caribbean Sea, a DX'ers dream. Go to my QRZ page for HP1BD and see what's happening. I enjoy giving out Panama as an ATNO (All Time New One) to the Deserving. Watch the Spotting Nets for HP1BD, or send me an email if you would like a sched. I also enjoy talking about Panama a great retirement spot, and if you don't want to hear about that, just say so, otherwise I'll go on and on and on and ..........
February 16, 2018