Ronald H. 'Ron' Wenig
Bensalem, PA
QCWA # 37175
Chapter 5
Howdy, my name is Ron. I just retired from IBM where I worked as a field technician in the Philadelphia area. I serviced desktop and laptop computers. I also serviced point of sale equipment including self checkout registers. I started my career with IBM as a typewriter service tech in 1967.
QTH is Bensalem, PA which is located just north of Philadelphia in Bucks County. Bensalem is where Benjamin Franklin visited his friend Joseph Growden and flew his kite to discover electricity (so the story goes...) It's now noted as the home of Parx Casino.
Rig here is a Kenwood TS-590. Antenna is a 33 foot ground mounted antenna made by DX Engineering.
I mostly do CW and the digital modes. My CW is a little weak so I may not copy 100% at the higher speed. It is a life long ambition to get proficient at it.
I also have an Allstar node up and running. The Beagle Bone Black is the processor running software created by WA3DSP. The node is 29817 and the Beagle Bone is doing a great job. If you have Allstar running please stop by and say hello.
Other interests are camping, hiking and fishing. Anything that gets me outdoors. I really enjoy walking in the nearby state park for exercise. Of course while carrying my HT and chatting while walking.
73, Ron NY3J
September 20, 2016