Adolf Kerschbaum
Linz, Austria
QCWA # 19762
Chapter 136
Born 1940, retired engineer in electronics. Licensed in 1961. Life member of QCWA.
Active on all bands from 1.8 to 144 MHz,plus 10GHz CW/SSB. Favourite mode is Dxing in CW, some SSB and RTTY too. DXCC Honor Roll # 1. Favourite band is 160 m, 230 DXCC entities worked.Frequently QRP operation with 4 Watts CW/SSB using homemade equipment. On 2 m active in meteorscatter since 1962.
Besides of the HF transceiver most of the equipment used is homebrew (VHF-transceiver,transverters,linears, accessories).
President of the Radio Amateur Club Linz, a group of DX and contest minded hams in OE5. Contest operations,especially on the VHF/UHF bands, using the club's calls OE2X,OE5X,OE2XXL,OE5XXL.
Other interests : fishing,collecting a special genus of chilean cacti (2000 plants).
February 17, 2013