Vitor L.A. Santos
Jaboticabal SP, Brazil
QCWA # 34398
I am not using EQsl, or LoTW, yet. So sorry.
PT5X (PY2NY and PY2EMC WRTC-2006 Team) QSL's must to be sent to the QSL Manager of WRTC 2006.
PY2NYS was first callsign at 1981 October, while living in Sorocaba City (SP). PY2NY came 1990 April. 1993-1997 Campinas were our QTH. We are living now at Jaboticabal (GG58UR), 400km NW of Sao Paulo, in Sao Paulo State, SE Brazil. PU2VYT Ana, is my wife, and she lost a lot of time at Law College 2000-2004, now Bachelor of Law (like me) from July 2004. She will be present from this time, specially at 10 meters band, SSB, low power. You can see both of us at some pictures at our personal blog - the picture here, we have a partial view of our home at 12 x 30m urban space. During a long time, we did an effort to make TuPY DX Group work like a challenge for other national teams and we are being involved by those large brazilian Groups, what is natural, of course. Anyway, was nice to help a lot of friends discovering "contesting way of life". The 'climax' was the invitation and participation with PP5JR (ZX5J owner) in South American Team at WRTC-2000 Slovenia, using call S532N and getting best WRTC PY classification 'till now. Oh, even after that, at WRTC2006, I had chance to improve our national WRTC Record, with PY2EMC like my Team Mate. Our PT5X station, well located, gone to place nr. 19 !! Even without second radio, band pass filters or networking computer...
Here at my QTH, this is the station now: 2 x Yaesu FT-1000-MP MK-V Field with/out Alpha 91B or Acom 1010, MicroHam switch antennas, Band Decoders and MK2R+. Just one self-supported 22m high tower. Antennas: 1) KLM KT34XA 6 el triband @22m up. 2) CushCraft 40-2CD 2 el 40m band @25m up. 3) Acom Log Periodic 8el LS-86 10-to-20m @14m up. 4) Slopers 1/4 80-160m @20m up. VHF: nothing nowadays. All of our time in radio are now for contests only, even with this very singular station, usually in Low Power All Band.
Jaboticabal has 70.000 people and WX is clear all year with temperature around 25 Celsius (30/35 almost every time!!).
You can also call me anytime by phone at (16) 997854218 and FaceBook. We are travelling a lot on last 10 years, and we are grateful with all of our friends that help us to know your countries better (EI4GK, DL6RAI, DJ9MH, IV3NVN, S58T, AC8G, HB9QN, 3A2MD, DL4NER, F6BEE, CT4NH, N3BNA, TM6JUN, OK1RR, OK1UHU, OK1MD, OK1KI, HA5GN, HA5PT, LX1NO, IT9YSW {only IT9 answering my call there} and others). Ok, I need more space now, after going deep at Wine Country (Napa and Santa Barbara - USA); thanks for all friends: W6NV and Ann, W6WU, W6OAT, KX7M, NK6A, N6AA, W6UM, W6TK and Liz, thank you so much. Merci Beaucoup to all guys and YLs from Bordeaux DX Group Dec 2007, specially F2VX Gerard (you all guys were amazing, really!!). We had great time at Como Lake (Italy) and IK2QEI and your YL were fantastic with us, June 2008.
N2GA and K2DO were amazing with us Nov 2009 and Nov 2010 - George was my referee at WRTC 2006! Aslama to 3V8SS Ashraf, that spent his time with us in Sousse Tunisia, 2010. What about 9H1PI Ivan and all the 9H people that received us with special party in Malta? Amazing, specially using my own 'home call' = 9H3NY. V26NY become real after joining V26B group to CQ WW SSB Contest 2012. Thanks N3BNA, WT3Q, AB2E & N3OC.
Other interests: World War II History, Politics, Contemporary History, Economy, Reading, Wines, Motorbike, Military Jeep, Militaria, Dodge 1942, Reenactment, Forca Expedicionaria Brasileira, 5th Army, Travelling, Wines, Gastronomy.
January 19, 2015