Yuri Manukovsky
Lipetsk Russia
QCWA # 33753
Hi and thanks for looking at my qrz.com page.
Allow me introduce...
Yuri Dmitriyevich Manukovsky, was born 04/May/1957 in the small town, Livny (population about 50,000), Orlovskaya oblast (RA3E), the Central European part of Russia.
Graduate Lipetsk State Technical University. Majored in industrial power engineering.
I'm married and my wife Tanya has endured me for 30 years, hi. She is licensed in 1986, her callsign was RW3GL (now R5GL).
We have son Anthony, licensed as UA3GEA.
Involved in amateur radio since 1970. My first teacher in Hamradio (especially CW) was Alex UA3ES (SK). He was the very skilled telegraph-operator and the man with the big letters - HAM. Memory of him 4ever in my heart.
Once, when I was a young boy, I went to the local cinema to watch a movie by French director Christian-Jaque "Si Tous Les Gars Du Monde" in Russian translation. In English translation the movie is know by name "Race for Life" or "If all the guys of the world". I was very impressed by what I saw... In my opinion, it is one of the best movies telling in a simple plot about some interesting sides of our radioamateur hobby. I realized with a pleasure that I am one of those guys of the world... I was proud that I belong to brotherhood of Ham Radio. I was licensed as UA3GAZ and enjoyed 40 and 80 meter CW during my teenage years...
And then I served as a military radiotelegraph-operator in the Armed Forces. After initial training in the first half-year I received a rank of radiotelegraph-operator third class, (it was easy because I already knew the CW as a radio amateur, hi). Later I obtained my second class and then first class... and finished my service in the Armed Forces as a senior radiotelegraph-operator on a vessel of coastal command. It was not easy but very interesting work...
University and making a living took me away from ham radio. I re-entered the hobby in 1980, then changed my callsign in 1986 and became RW3GA. In connection with the next reform of callsigns in Russia, since July 2010 I became R5GM.
I prefer to operate CW, though SSB is comfortable for me too. I'm not a great DX-man, hi. I have confirmed 267 countries (entities) only. It results of my ordinary activity on the air. Sometimes I take part in the contests. I prefer CW-tests. Over the years I have received a heap of many different and fine awards. But the most important award for me are my friends in Hamradio.
I am very grateful to all of you!
I'm a member of: SOWP, RNARS, INORC, MF-Runde, MARAC, A1-OP Club, MARCONI Club, FISTS, AGCW, CTC, SKCC, etc.
Thank all of you who have answered my call.

Gary UG3G, Vlad RO3G, Yuri R5GM
April 29, 2015