SM5WZ 1914 - 1965
Reimar Stridh
Oerebro, Sweden
Ryd, Sweden
Bromma Sweden
QCWA # 2071
First Call: SM4WE since 1934

SM5WZ, Reimar in Ryd in 1949 - SMØAOM is a US surplus Station SCR 284

SM5WZ built this XMTR just before the war.
The receiver is a Hallicrafters SX-25. QTH Oerebro
From club history, SK4BX:
The first, in Ãrebro, who devoted himself to amateur radio in any form, was Reimar Stridh, later on SM5WZ. Reimar came as the sixteen year old listening amateur, vacations in the fall of 1929 and became a member of the SSA 1932 listens signal SM5-058. Sometime in the early thirties came, by chance, SM5-058 together with the dentist Sten Wallin, SM5YU. Stone had not yet any station and since Reimar was a good radio technologies, they helped to build YU's station. It became a Reimartzmottagare and a Hartley transmitter and the first QSO from Orebro, run by a Danish station. In April 1934 must SM5-058, Reimar Stridh, own signal, SM5WZ with QTH Agreliusvägen.