Krzysztof A. 'Christopher' Ulatowski
Gdynia, FDY Poland
QCWA # 30140
First Call: SP1333 issued in 1972 Other Call(s): SP2DAF
I was born in 1961. From the very beginning I had contact with the radio.
My dad Andrzej sp2uu and my mom Barbara sp2ff fed me love to radio.
In 1972 I got my first license and in 1979 I got the current sign of sp2uuu.
I am a fan of digital broadcasting, and currently I am the president of the RVG - a club focused ham radio operators on digital broadcasting. www.pkrvg.org
I am actively involved in national and international contests ..
I instilled love to the radio with my son Krystian (use call sp2uu) from what I'm proud of.
My business trips allow me when I have a bit of time to work especially on weekends for work on the radio. Now from Denmark and Sweden where I also try to activate the castles in this area (WCAA).Now I have special event call OV18FWC and HF18FWC. 3 years I was active from Germany and use dl/sp2uuu and dl/sn1050u and also activited castlles , dearly I was double time QRV from USA (k4, n1, n3) where I worked at K1TTT station and also in the Smisonian museum.
Achievements hm.. is a bit but mainly for me radio is a hobby and help in difficult situations via radio.
I try to be active in all kinds of actions organized by PZK and myself.
Such as : (NO More WAR- NMW, Operation sail, 1050 years of receiving baptism in Poland,
Great Orchestra of Christmas WOSP,
now - 100 years of obtaining Independence of Poland) and FIFA World Cup 2018 ,..........
SP2UU is QCWA member # 18932 and SP2FF is QCWA member # 20658 - Bob NØUF - Webmaster
January 17, 2020