Reflector Administrator
Pierre Mainville
23 Chatsworth Drive
Brampton, ON, L6X 2L8 Canada
Born and raised in the Province of Quebec, joined the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1958 and retired from that organization in July 1995. During his tenure with the railway industry he worked in several cities in the province of Quebec and Ontario including Ottawa, Montreal and finally Toronto. In 1979 moved his family to Brampton and considers it home ever since. Currently working part time for Radioworld Inc.
Pierre has been very active as an Amateur since 1979, chasing a little DX and contesting. His main operating interest has always been related with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the National Traffic System (NTS). He held the Assistant Emergency Coordinator position for the Peel region from 1979 until appointed the Emergency Coordinator in 1986 appointed Section Emergency Coordinator for the Ontario Section. He held this position until appointed as RAC Field Services Manager in 1996. At the 2000 RAC Board of Directors' meeting, this position was renamed to Vice President Field Services and remains on this position until December 31, 2005. Pierre is a long time participant on the NTS nets and acting as NCS and ORS on a regular schedule.
In addition to his interest in the Field Organization, Pierre held the position of CARF Ontario Director during the year 1986/1987 and has been a delegated, now accredited, examiner since 1990.
He has been a member of Radio Amateurs of Canada and both predecessor national organizations (CARF & CRRL) consistently since becoming a licensed amateur and is willing to give something back to the hobby he has enjoyed for many years.
Pierre is a Life Member of QCWA and a current member of ARRL, RAC, QCWA chapter 73 and 151 and also a member of PARC and HARC.
July 18, 2010