David C. Coutts
Kaslo, BC Canada
QCWA # 36225
Chapter 70
CW is A1
I am a Straight Key Century Club Member (SKCC) "Tribune" #10495T. I really enjoy CW more than any mode. The SKCC encourages the use of straight keys, bugs and cooties. No electronic keyers allowed and all decoding is done using the fleshy bit between the ears. High speed is not a requirement and I quite enjoy the Straight Key Sprints (SKS) and the Weekend Sprints (WES). (
The other CW event I like is called the CW Fun Event (CW FE) . This happens about every three months and relies on each participant giving out a different 5 letter word to each contact. Likewise, your mission is to receive the unique 5-letter word sent to you by your contact. This way, there is no cheating because every word is different and everyone is issued a different list of 5-letter groups.
This is quite neat indeed!
I haven't participated in a lot of them, but am trying to work it into my schedule more often. ( There is no membership fee, but you do have to pre-register to receive your unique list of words. There is also a cool logging program designed specifically for the CW FE.
Amateur Radio Organizations To Which I Belong
Member of ARRL and Maple Leaf Member of RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada).
Member of QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) and QCWA National Capital Chapter #70 (Ottawa)
Member of QRPARCI (QRP Amateur Radio Club Int'l) # 15012
Member of Flying Pigs QRP #3769
Member of NAQCC (North American QRP CW Club) # 6585
Member of FISTS CW Club # 16195

December 01, 2016