Kenneth S. 'Scott' Wood
Glen Margaret NS, Canada
QCWA # 22749
I was first licensed in Oregon in 1952 as a US Novice and later upgraded to a General Class license. I lived for a number of years in the late 1950's and 1960's in Bergen, Oslo and Tromso, Norway. In 1964 I moved to Canada to accept an academic position at Dalhousie University where I taught and conducted research in economics, georgraphy,and environmental and international development studies for 37 years. I have been retired since 2001, busying myself with some consulting, many community projects, amateur radio and learning Spanish. You can have a QSO with me in English, Norwegian, Spanish or German (in the order of my competence)!
For extended periods of time I have lived and operated abroad. The following are a list of the main calls I have held or orperated with: W7RZH - Eugene, Oregon; LA0AC - Oslo, Norway; VE1BLA - Halifax, Nova Scotia; VE1DAL - Halifax, Nova Scotia; VE1QD - Halifax, Nova Scotia; VE1QD/MM - Antarctica; C53GW - Banjul,The Gambia; CX/VE1QD - Montevideo, Uruguay; OH/VE1QD - southwest Finland; TI/VE1QD - Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica; and Z2/VE1QD - Haare, Zimbabwe.
I live on Moser Island (IOTA NA-081 & Canadian Island NS-118) near Peggy's Cove, NS. From the top of my 20 meter (65 feet) high tower I see the Atlantic Ocean with a clear path from NE to SW. From this very quiet country location I operate on all the bands from 160 to 6 meters, using both CW and SSB. While I have VHF, UHF and SHF capability, I am not very active, except locally. I am frequently on the HF bands as VE1QD/mobile from my camper van and thus can be heard perdiodically from a lot of different locations in North America.
My station includes a Yaesu FT-1000D, Ten Tec Titan Linear; a Yaesu FT-890 for portable operations; and a Yaesu FT-736R for 50 MHz, 144 MHz, 440 MHz and 1.2 GHz. I enjoy working QRP with an Elecraft KX-1 and have a Yaesu FT-100D in my RoadTrek camping van.
Antennas include: a Mosley PRO-57 for 20 - 10 meters; 5 elememt Cushcraft beams for 6m, 2m and 70 cm beam; and a number of wire antennas, e.g. BW folded dipole, G5RV and DX sloper for the low bands. Other antennas come and go! .
I am also the Chair of the Maritime DX Forum (MDF), an event sponsored by the Halifax Amateur Radio Club and the Maritime Contest Club in the first weekend in August each year. The details about this excellent salute to Contesting, DXing and other HF pursuits can be found on my Club website: Also feel free to contact me by e-mail for details. The 2011 MDF will be held on Friday and Saturday, 5 - 6 August in Halifax and will feature outstanding presenters whose names and reputation in the hobby will be recognized by all. For example, our keynote speaker this year is John Devoldere, ON4UN. He will bring us up-to-date on new thinking about Low-Band DXing. So join us and, perhaps, combine attending the MDF with a tour of beautiful Nova Scotia!
Please QSL via the Buro or Direct - and soon via Logbook of the World (I promise!). I look forward to chatting with you!
73 de Scott
January 15, 2015