Sylvain Faust
Sainte-Anne-Des-Lacs QC, Canada
QCWA # 34087
LIVE LOGBOOK CHECKCKER: http://www.ve2fet.com/logbook2.aspx
Full LogBook: http://www.ve2fet.com/logbook.aspx
POSITION via APRS of VE2FET Home QTH : http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?call=VE2FET-1
POSITION via APRS of VE2FET/M : http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?call=VE2FET-7
** FOR QSL, PLEASE ENTER EXACTLY AS THE QSO, i.e. VE2FET or VE2FET/M, etc... else it will not work with EQSL or LOTW. **
** See if Online Now: http://www.ve2fet.com **
** Get QRZ.COM info sent to you via APRS on any callsign by sending a message to DOQRZ (it's delta oscar...) with the callsign as the message. **
First licensed as a Canadian Amateur Radio Operator on July 13, 1977, at the age of 12, Sylvain has been operating under the same callsign ever since. Sylvain was introduced to the Amateur Radio by Lionel VE2DTV 7 months earlier.
VE2FET was living in Montreal at the time and quickly became a member of the local club VE2UMS. Among his other interests, the one for computers emerged in 1979. Under the early guidance of Pierre, VE2BSI (now VE2ICI), he developed a fascination for programming, by first toying with microprocessor machine code and soon enough, 6502 assembler. Within a few short years, Sylvain became a world-level specialist in transactional database design and the fine art of transaction performance tuning. He's the creator of the product SQL-Programmer(r) (1992) among others and founder of Sylvain Faust Inc (1988).
Sylvain was born in February 1965 in St-Hyacinthe, province of Quebec. He later moved to Montreal at the age of 8.
Sylvain has been living in the Ottawa-Gatineau area (west of Montreal) between 1986 and 2007, with the exception of 2 years in Austin, Texas, and is now living in the Ste-Anne-Des-Lacs/St-Sauveur area (FN25wu) just north of Montreal.
Among his current "Amateur Radio" equipment, his shelves support top of the line ICOM IC-7800, IC-7000, IC-PW1, IC-703+, TH-D7, IC-V8000, IC-02AT, MFJ-259B, MFJ-989D, MFJ-904H, KPC-3 Plus, etc... No more 19MkIII, Marconi 52, HW-16, DX-60, Johnson Viking Mk1, or Teletype Model 19,28,33, etc...
Sylvain is also http://www.eQSL.CC Certified and ARRL/LoTW Certified and uses QSL Bureau as well. He replies Direct to all QSL received Direct.
Also special prefix callsign VX2FET, CG2FET. Canadian Special Prefix info at http://www.indicatif.ca
Sylvain also operates a wide APRS digipeater as VE2FET-1 from his QTH, supporting the most recent WIDEn-n, QCn-n protocol, located in Ste-Anne-Des-Lacs, Quebec, Canada. He also manages the configuration for the following digipeaters, VA2REH-3, VE2REG-3, VE2REH-3.
Seea TV show featuring me at 13 yrstalking about (and demonstration)the Amateur Radio service on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation network (CBC/Radio-Canada) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsOFUDbc5zU
PS: Please register to http://www.eQSL.cc and ARRL LoTW. All free and just more ways to get different awards in addition to real QSL cards. Do them all :-)
VE2FET Pictures gallery: http://www.ve2fet.com/gallery1/index.htm
February 8, 2015