David R. 'Dave' Parks
Ottawa, ON Canada
QCWA # 27637
Chapter 70
Dave was first licensed as VE3GSA in Ottawa in 1967. He is also currently licensed as VA2LGQ for his country home in Pontiac County of West Quebec.
Dave's activities include the HF bands as well as the VHF bands. He is an apartment dweller in the city of Ottawa so antenna opportunities are limited.
Over the years Dave has been licensed as VE3GSA, VE1UM, VE2WPQ as well as the current VE3AV and VA2LGQ.
Dave is active in his local club, the Ottawa Amateur Radio Club, as well as Radio Amateurs of Canada, QCWA and ARRL.
Dave is a life member of RAC, QCWA and ARRL.
GRID: FN25di
October 9, 2014