September 6, 2022 From QCWA Headquarters QCWA Bulletin 2022-009 - Former QCWA Director William "George" Roach, VE3BNO - Silent Key It is with sadness we report the passing of QCWA Life Member # 8811, William "George" Roach, VE3BNO of Ottawa, ON in June 2022 at the age of 94. George was first licensed in 1946 as VE3BNO. He also held VE2CQD and VE2AQG for a short time. He was also a Life Member of QCWA National Capital Chapter 70 and member of the Ottawa Amateur Radio Club (OARC). Credit QCWA National Capital Chapter 70 for the following information. George served as QCWA National Director in 1998-2003, on the Chapter Relations Committee 2002-2010 and Activities Manager, liaising with QCWA land conventions, organized the QCWA QSO Parties, as well managed the QCWA 14.347 MHz and 7.035 MHz nets. He received the QCWA Meritorious Award (1996), QCWA Presidential Award (2006) and the QCWA Roll of Honour Plaque (2010). As a member of QCWA National Capital Chapter 70 he served as Director from 1981-1982 and 2003, 2010, President (1987-1988) and Organizing Committee (Chair and Tours) for QCWA International Conventions held in Ottawa 1996 and 2004. George grew up in Renfrew, ON where his career spanned working in the telephone and broadcast industry. 1942-1947 - Lanark & Renfrew Infantry Signals (Reserve) - Renfrew (C455679) 1944-1945- Bell Telephone Summer employment ( Dug a lot of post holes!) 1946-1961 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - Lineman, Cable-splicer, Frame-man, Central Office Technician, Central Office Foreman, Repair Foreman, Installation Foreman, Special Services Foreman, Plant School Instructor, No 5 Cross-bar Foreman. (Special Services included Mobile Radio, Teletype, Government circuits, etc.) 1947-1961 -Third Signals Regiment (Reserve) - Ottawa 1961-1997 - Radio Stations CFRA (50 KW AM) and CFMO (100 KW FM) (Ottawa) Chief Engineer then Director of Engineering CFRA Broadcasting Ltd, CHUM Ltd and Canadian temporary News Service. 1967-1996 Served as President and on the executive of the Central Canada Broadcast Engineers (CCBE) and did some contract work for Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). Operated all bands from 160M to 1.2 GHz and built a lot of gear and antennas. Member of ARRL, RSO, RAC, AMSAT NA (# 247), AMSAT UK (#246) and OARC while serving as Vice President (1961-1962 and 1968-1971), President (1972-1974 and 2000-2002) and Treasurer (1993-1998), as well as organizing and teaching many of their Amateur Radio Courses, and served as the Club Historian. 1963 Built and installed VE2CRA, Ottawa's first 2M FM Repeater. 1981-1983 Worked on batteries and modules for satellites. 1996-1998 Worked with the Telephone Amateur Radio Pioneers on the development and installation of Amateur Fast Scan Repeater VE3TVA. 47 & 73, Ken Oelke, VE6AFO President, Quarter Century Wireless Association, Inc. ![]() |