Douglas R. 'Doug' Holmes
Queensville, ON Canada
QCWA # 19849
Chapter 73
Licensed September 1, 1959. I have remained active during all of the years since. In the summer of 2010, I acquired the additional call VE3VS which is now in daily use.
Married with two children. My XYL, Heather, is licensed as VE3HQH. She is quite active with CLARA (Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association) and YLRL. My son, who lives near Shelburne, ON, is VE3GWO. My daughter has given us two grand-children.
Some equipment includes Kenwood TS-590 SAT, Elecraft K3, and two metres mobile gear. Dipoles for 80, 40 and 30 metres. Four element beam on 20 m. Two element homebrew Quad on 17, 15 and 10 metres. Alpha linear amplifier and Elecraft KPA500 linear, KAT500 autotuner, get used now and then.
I have experimented with many different modes - CW, RTTY, SSB, several of the soundcard digital modes, etc. I enjoy working a bit of DX, especially island DXpeditions, but I am not very interested in contesting and collecting wallpaper. I have built a wide variety of antennas over the last half-century, and still enjoy that part of the hobby. I have been active in a local radio club since I became a ham.
Other hobbies include flying (Beechcraft Skipper), photography, woodworking, camping & canoeing, gardening, and square dancing.
September 16, 2015