Raymond W. 'Ray' Perrin
Ottawa, ON Canada
QCWA # 33253
Chapter 70
Grew up in Toronto, Ontario
Education / Employment History
1971 . University of Waterloo . graduated with BASc (Electrical Engineering. Communications)
1971-1973 . Bell Canada (Ottawa) - Engineering
1973-1974 . Department of Transport . Engineer
1974-1979 . Department of Communications . Engineer
1979-1990 . Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission . Engineer / Analyst
1990-2011 . Public Works and Government Services Canada . Senior Engineer
January 7, 2011 . Retired
Amateur Radio History
1964 . First licensed as VE3FVN in Toronto while in high school.
1977 (circa) . Obtained two-letter call sign VE3FN
Member West-Side Radio Club (Toronto) in 1963 and obtained license after following course put on by club.
Member of OARC. Former member of OVMRC. Served as OVMRC Vice President (1980) and President (1981).
Member of ARRL and CRRL and served as CRRL Director for a decade prior to the merger with CARF. In that time, provided Government Liaison for CRRL and represented CRRL on the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC).
Appeared as expert witness in the Ravenscroft interference case.
Collect and restore older tube-type radio equipment and have extensive Collins collection.
Have been interested in weak-signal SSB/CW VHF/UHF operation for many years. Have worked 40 US states on 2M.
Currently active hill-topping on 10 GHz and 24 GHz SSB/CW.
Member of QCWA and Chapter 70.
Biography prepared by VE3XK with assistance from VE3FN 2010-12-01
April 13, 2016