VE3GT 1937 - 2021
Lawrence P. 'Larry' Thivierge
Renfrew, ON Canada
QCWA # 14453
Chapter 73
First Call: VE4LP in 1955 Other Call(s): VE1XB & VE3CAA
Obituary of Lawrence Patrick Thivierge
Peacefully at the Ottawa General Hospital on Friday January 1, 2021 at the age of 83.
Loving husband of Dawn Fossmark for 62 years. Cherished Dad of Peter (Susan), Andrew and Paul. Beloved Grampa of Sera, Jared (Kate), Hannah, Stephanie and Michael. Dear great-grandpa of Madelyn and Seth. Dear brother in law of Peter Fossmark.
Predeceased by his parents Pete and Evelyn and his brother Gerald.
Larry was a veteran of the Canadian Navy and was involved in radio operations for 5 years. He was then employed by the Federal Government in the Department of Communications.
He then became an amateur Ham radio operator and was known by the call sign VE3GT. He was the past section communication manager for Northern Ontario for many years.
Larry and Dawn also enjoyed travelling to Florida and spending time there relaxing and golfing. He will fondly remembered by all of his friends.
A private visitation and service will be held at the Goulet Funeral Home.
Donations in Larry's name may be made to Kidney Cancer Canada, Renfrew Victoria Hospital or the Arthritis Society.
Online condolences/donations may be made at
Thnks to the efforts and encouragement of Bunny, VE3AVD (SK), Doc, VE3BIR (SK) and George, VE3BNO, I passed my Certificate of Proficiency, Amateur, in 1953 and was issued the call sign VE3BAG. In those days one had to be 16 years of age before you could write your certificate exam and it was necessary to take an oath of secrecy.
Upon joining the Royal Canadian Navy in 1954 and stationed in Fort Churchill, Manitoba I was issued the call sign VE4LP. In early 1955 I was drafted to the HMCS Magnificent in Halifax, Nova Scotia and assigned the call sign VE1XB. During this time I passed my Certificate of Proficiency, Advanced Amateur.
Coming ashore in 1956 I operated VE1NN at the HMC Electrical School at HMCS Stadacona. In 1957, prior to returning to Ontario in 1959, another call sign change took place and VE3CAA was assigned. In 1971 while employed at the Department of Communications I was assigned my present call sign, VE3GT.
Operating Interests
Triple mode National Traffic System (NTS) traffic handling, i.e., SSB, CW and digital,
Rag chewing,
Packet radio,
Logging software, presently Logic9
American Radio Relay League (ARRL) 47 years,
Royal Order of the Wouff Hong.
Past Memberships
Fort Churchill Amateur Radio Club,
Halifax Amateur Radio Club (HARC),
Nova Scotia Amateur Radio Association (NSARA),
Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA),
Canadian Radio Relay League (CRRL),
Ottawa Amateur Radio Club (OARC),
Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club (OVMRC),
Champlain Regional Repeater Association (CRRA).
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC),
Longest serving duly elected ARRL/CRRL/RAC Section Manager in Ontario, 1976 - 1999, 19 years,
Elected RAC Ontario North director 2000 to 2002,
Co-authored the CRRL Traffic Training Manual along with Noreen Nimmons, VE3GOL (SK),
Signed the first Memo of Understanding (MOU) between the Ontario Section of the CRRL and the Canadian Red Cross..
Various personal operating awards, plaques and certificates including Certificates. of Merit and Recognition at the Section, Provincial and National levels; operating certificates from Section, Region, Area and Transcontinental Corps (TCC) levels of NTS participation in various appointments. RCC, WAS, WAC, DXCC, WAB, WBC, WAVE, WACAN, USSR/Canada Polar Bridge, Ruben Dario Award, OTC, OOTC, A1 OP, CP-25, BPL, to name just a few.
Main rig: Yaesu FT-9000 Contest; antenna: K1JEK Cobra UltraLite all band for HF with an LDG AT-600Proll Autotuner,
Backup rig: Yaesu FT-1000D; antenna: K1JEK Cobra UltraLite all band for HF with a Palstar AT-1500CV manual antenna tuner,
Heathkit SB-610 Monitor scope
Packet Radio:
SCS PTC-llex DSP Multimode Pactor-controller
Kantronics Kam Plus Dual port terminal node controller
Icom 3200A Dual Band FM Transceiver
Four element vertical two meter beam
Heil Pro Headset
Shure 444D Microphone
Larry Thivierge joined the RCN in 1954 and was in Saguenay Division from April 12 to August 28, 1954. He was an Electrician's Mate and served on HMCS Magnificent, HMCS Lanark, and HMCS Stadacona. He served until 1959 and left with the rank of ABLM1.

at home on leave, summer of 1956.
The 'Liberty Cuffs' were also found on US Navy uniforms.
Expecially on custom made, shark skin, liberty blues.
73, Bob, NØUF, RM1, US Navy Retired - Webmaster