Joseph 'Joe' Parkinson
Ottawa, ON Canada
QCWA # 31014
Chapter 70
At the Chapter 70 meeting in May of 2019
Joe, VE3JG was awarded a QCWA Century Club Certificate.
Joe enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1955 and soon was trained as an airborne radio officer. About the same time he became licensed as a radio amateur with the call sign VE4KY. Both vocation and avocation required proficiency in Morse code.
In 1962 he left the Air Force and worked briefly for Alberta Government Telephone company before he re-enlisted in the RCAF, this time for air traffic control and pilot training. Joe spent much of his flying career stationed in Vancouver Island where he also engaged in the automotive tire business.
Joe finished his working career in Ottawa involved with air regulations for the RCAF and consulting services for aeronautical charts with Energy, Mines and Resources.
Joe has been an active CW operator throughout his amateur radio history holding calls signs following his postings and life across Canada including VE6CU, VE4PJ, VE7EXP, VE3BJN, VE4ALH and VE3ALH before obtaining VE3JG in 1989.
Joe was president of Chapter 70, 2005/2006.

Bryan VE3QN (60 yrs), Clare VE3NPC (70 yrs), Dave VE3KL and Joe VE3JG (Century Club Certificates)
April 22, 2016