L.C. 'Clare' Fowler
Ottawa, ON Canada
QCWA # 229811
Chapter 70
At the Chapter 70 meeting in May of 2019
Clare, VE3NPC was awarded his 70th anniversary pin and certificate.
Clare has been a ham since 1948 holding call signs: VE6JT, VE8AF, VE7YF, VE3AAU, VE3BTC and since 1983 VE3NPC.
He has had a career working for several federal government departments starting as a radio operator in his junior years with postings in northern Canada.
Clare retired in 1985 from the Canadian equivalent of the CIA.
Clare's amateur activities since his retirement have been focused on Satellite communications having achieved DXCC 228 Satellite placing him 11th worldwide.

Bryan VE3QN (60 yrs), Clare VE3NPC (70 yrs), Dave VE3KL and Joe VE3JG (Century Club Certificates).
May 28, 2019