Bryan H. Rawlings
Gloucester ON, Canada
QCWA # 32626
Chapter 70
First Call: VE2AME since 1959 Other Call(s): VE3RBE & VE2QNN
I was first licensed as VE2AME in Montreal in 1959; however, I was not active during long work assignments overseas in Saudi Arabia and Russia. I am now retired after a career of 37 years in telecommunications.
Now in Ottawa, Canada's capital, I have signed VE3QN since 1993.(I also hold the call VE2QNN). I enjoy DX'ing and have attained DXCC. I can also be found on 6m, 2m and 70 cm. I work mostly phone but also operate CW, PSK31, RTTY and other digital modes. When we travel, we try to bring radio along and, where possible, to visit friends I have met on the air.
I am happy to accommodate QSL requests. My log is uploaded regularly to LotW where VE3QN, VE3RBE and VE2AME logs back to 1973 are archived. I'll be glad to reply to QSL cards sent either directly or via the bureau. Likewise, via eQSL.cc.
I am a member of RAC, ARRL, RSGB, QCWA (#32626), the Ottawa Amateur Radio Club (OARC), the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club (OVMRC) and the International Amateur Radio Club (4U1ITU).
I have been privileged since 2008 to represent Canadian amateurs and RAC with our regulator, Industry Canada, and at the International Telecommunications Union in Geneva on amateur radio issues.
ITU Zone 4, CQ Zone 4, FN25ek, Ontario East (ONE)
At the Chapter 70 meeting in May of 2019
Bryan, VE3QN received his 60th anniversary pin and certificate.
He showed a brief slide show of pictures including a picture when he was first on the air in 1959 in Montreal as VE2AME with his Heathkit DX-40 and AR-3 receiver.
After graduating university with a BSc in Math, Bryan commenced a long career with Bell Canada that eventually took him and his family to Saudi Arabia when Bell won a contract there to manage their new telephone system in the early 1980's and then to Moscow in 1992 with a joint venture proposal for a telephone system after the collapse of the USSR.
When back in Canada, in Ottawa, Bryan became VE3RBE in 1988 and VE3QN in 1993. He also holds VE2QNN.
Since 2006, Bryan has been very busy with Radio Amateurs of Canada as special advisor participating in working group meetings in preparation for Canada's position papers with our regulator on radio amateur matters at the World Radiocommunications Conferences.
Bryan has attended as part of the Canadian delegation in WRCs 2007, 2012, 2015, and will be attending WRC 2019 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt this November.

Bryan VE3QN (60 yrs), Clare VE3NPC (70 yrs), Dave VE3KL and Joe VE3JG (Century Club Certificates)
May 28, 2019