William M. Babineau
Ottawa ON, Canada
QCWA # 34988
Chapter 70
First Licenced in 1980. Upgraded to Advanced Amateur in 1981.
My first QSO was with WA4IWC, John in Knoxville TN (now an SK, I believe) on April 20, 1980 using a Heathkit HW-8 (2W) with a dipole at 20 ft on 15m CW as VE1BXR.
Current Ham interests : Portable QRP CW , Kit building and Hellschreiber. I am also an active member of the Polar Bear QRP Group and I enjoy collecting and using old Bugs and Straight Keys.
Member of ARRL, FISTS, Norcal QRP, Adventure Radio Society, QRP ARCI, NAQCW and SKCC. Life Member of QCWA.
When not doing Radio Stuff I enjoying running, cycling and Sea Kayaking.
February 14, 2015