Garry Hammond
Listowel ON, Canada
QCWA # 29979
Chapter 73
VE3XN and VE3GCO are QSL managers for the Micro-Light Penguins DXpeditions under the leadership of James Brooks, 9V1YC. Please send your QSL requests as follows:
VP8THU South Sandwich Is. 2002 via VE3XN
VP8GEO South Georgia Is. 2002 via VE3GCO
FT5XO Kerguelen Is. 2005 via VE3XN
ZL8R Kermadec Is.of 2006 via VE3XN.
VP8ORK from 2011 is via VE3XN.
Please note that direct requests require a SAE (self addressed envelope) and a minimum of 1 IRC or $3.00 USD to cover the postage costs for mail sent around the world. Only the newest style-properly stamped IRC(s) should be sent.
A SASE (Self-addressed stamped envelope) is the minimum expected from Canadian amateurs. American amateurs who request QSLs should not use US stamps on a SASE back to them. Canada has its own post office. Hi. One IRC or 2 dollars should be sent by American amateurs.
An extra IRC or USD helps to send bureau cards out on a regular basis to the ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau.
Please check 9V1YC's site for information on purchasing DXpedition videos/DVDs from videographer James Brooks. These video gems are great ways to share the experiences of a DXpedition.
VE3XN continues to be the QSL manager and Awards Manager for VE3GCO, The Maple Leaf Radio Society.
The Maple Leaf Award and the Canadian Islands Awards are two of the most popular awards available for contacts with VE/VA/VO/VY operators and the special calls they use. The paper award requires five dollars or three new IRCs with an expiry date of December 31, 2017. Earlier IRCs have no value.
Good luck and 73, Garry V. Hammond, VE3XN, VA3AAO, VE3GCO, VY0XN April 11, 2014
January 1, 2015