Ernest 'Ernie' Clintberg
Spruce Grove, AB Canada
QCWA # 37480
Chapter 151
My original call sign is VE6ECK which I continue to hold along with this current call sign.
I have been licenced since 1992 and hold the Basic, Advanced and 12 wpm CW designations.
I run a Flex 5000A and back it up with a Kenwood 950D.
My amplifier is a Tokyo Hy-Power HL-1.2Kfx.
Antennas include a Hex Beam 5B and a Butternut 6v.
I am a member of RAC, ARRL, Northern Alberta Amateur Radio Club, Quarter Century Amateur Radio Club, Ten-Ten International and the North Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club. Why do I belong to these clubs? Our amateur radio fraternity needs our support. I encourage all hams to join their country's national amateur radio organization and local club. For example, if you are a Canadian ham, join the Radio Amateurs of Canada. These national organizations advance, represent and protec the priveleges we are allowed within the radio spectrum.
April 15, 2016 I was elected Radio Amatteurs of Canada's Regional Director for Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The term of this office is two years and ends December 31, 2017.
August 19, 2017