Richard M. 'Rick' Zabrodski
Calgary, AB Canada
QCWA # 28302
I got my ticket at age 15, in 1971 growing up north of Toronto and was first VE3EIG when I joined the Nortown Ham Radio Club. I spent the first 5 years of my ham career thinking that everybody was into contests and field day. After moving to Calgary where I trained as an MD, ham radio took a hiatus. I eventually became VE6GK and played with satellite radio for five years. I then moved to my current QTH in 1990 and put up my first tower, 20 years after becoming a ham. 20 years later, my main interest now is still HF, CW/SSB QRP (contests, operating and building). I like to tinker with wire antennas. I hope to do some QRP mini DX pedtions in the future.
I am a former active aviator. I maintained a IFR and night rating as well as a glider instructor rating for over 25 years with over 2000 hours P1. I have my FAI gold badge with 2 diamonds for soaring. Current antennas: Force 12 C4S at 65 feet and 80/160 twin slopers. (Yes, I live in the city!) QRP radios that Ihave built include hw9, sierra, norcal 40, cascade, epiphyte, and a few others. I am a physician and a clinical assistant professor at the University of Calgary. My main professional interests are related to teaching and practicing family and occupational medicine, especially aviation medicine.
Favorite ham radio saying: "Power is no substitute for skill"
Favorite medical saying: "You are what you eat"
Life Mantra: "Life is short. Eat Dessert First"
September 24, 2016