Terence P. 'Terry' Finn
Calgary, AB Canada
QCWA # 33134
Chapter(s) 151 & 11
First Call: VE6APE issued in 1971 Other Call(s): KA6GGC, AE6DS, AF6TF & AA6TF
VE6TF @ qrz.com:
Frm a QTH high in the rolling foothills of North West Calgary, VE6TF transmits from the top of a 15 metre tall Delhi DMX HD tower. The largest and heaviest antenna is the Hy-Gain TH6-DX tri-band, six element beam for 10 - 15 - 20 metres which is controlled by a Hy-Gain Ham IV rotator. Below the beam is a Diamond V2000a, tri-band vhf/uhf/6 metre vertical on a stand offattached to the tower. Located below the vertical is a home brew G5RV style dipole.
The primary transceiver is a Yaesu FT-897d with an LDG AT-897 plus, automatic antenna tuner which are all powered by the MFJ 4245 power supply. Some of the equipment in the radio shack are a Heil classic studio, base microphone; a pair of Heil headphones; a Fluke 87 multi-meter; an Avcom PS-65a spectrum analyzer; a couple of Yaesu FT-60r's; a couple of Kenwood TH-D7's for APRS activities using the Avmap G-5; both the MFJ 259b and the MFJ 269 antenna analysers; a Maha MH-C9000 battery charger-analyzer; a Uniden BCD-396XT digital scanner with the Butel software; the D-STAR DV-dongle and an Acer laptop running various control software programs suchas RT Systems and providing a platform to compare different logging programs. An easy to program Alinco 635t dual band portable is used for local repeater activity.
VE6TF is a member of the Radio Amateurs of Canada (www.rac.ca); the Calgary Communications Club (www.gwlinton.com/ccc); the Calgary Amateur Radio Association (www.caraham.org); the Wildrose chapter 151 of the Quarter Century Wireless Association (www.obsd.com/qcwa-chapter151) and frequently uses amateur radio frequencies to communicate while snowshoeing or cross country skiing in the foothills of the nearby Rocky Mountains.
The original holder of call sign VE6TF was Len (Scotty) Tuckey, (SK) of Calgary. Len was a promoter of and active with single side band when that was a new mode and he also held call sign VE6SSB. He passed away in October 2010.
AA6T @ qrz.com:
Terry Finn is located in the Redwood City, San Carlos, area of San Mateo County in northern California. His web sites are (www.incognitoservicesdotcom) or (www.madonnasbailbondsdotcom) He is a member of the ARRL,(www.arrl.org); QCWA,(www.qcwa.org); QCWA Chapter 11, Northern California, (K6QCW),(www.qsl.net/qcwa-11); the South County ARES group in San Mateo County (www.k6mpn.org),; The Elmer Amateur Radio Society. (KV6R); (NCDXC) the northern California DX Club and is a Past President of the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association (www.paara.org). He is an experienced, well trained (although currently in-active) VE with the Sunnyvale VEC (www.amateur-radio.org) and the local W5YI VEC group (www.baears.com), and is a qualified VE through the ARRL.
His HF station is currently an Icom 706 MKIIG with an Icom AT-180 tuner feeding a Cushcraft R8 vertical antenna 40 feet above the surface. The second rig for receiving in the shack is an Icom 718 while the primary vhf/uhf unit is a Kenwood TM-D710A. The microphone is a Heil classic 5 and the power supply is an MFJ 4245. His portable vhf/uhf equipment consists of two Icom w32a's, an Icom t81a, a Yaesu vxa 200, two Yaesu FT-60R's and two Kenwood TH-D7's. His mobile station is an Icom 706 MKIIG, with a High Sierra Side Kick screwdriver antenna. The Kenwood TH-D7's are used for APRS activities using the APRSPoint.com software and the AvMapG-5 magical GPS color display unit. A portable station with various easily transported, mobile and covert antennas is currently being designed and built using a Yaesu FT-897D, with an LDG AT-897 automatic antenna tuner and some home brew DC & solar equipment.
Terry Finn graduated from San Jose State University (BSc.Criminal Justice) and the University of Southern California, Institute of Safety Systems Management (Aviation Safety Certificate) (aircraft crash investigations). He is a commercial pilot with ratings for fixed wing, helicopter, single & multi engine, land and sea in both Canada and the United States. A former police officer, he owns and operates a State licensed private investigation agency, specializing in insurance fraud, workers compensation, AOE/COE, technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM) and covert video design and installation in the private sector. He has taught classes for many years in this and other subjects like surveillance; AOE/COE; privacy and bail law at the investigator school in San Francisco and for the California Bail Agents Association. (www.cbaa.com). He also owns and operates a State licensed civil and criminal surety bonding business, offering all forms of bonds including bail; child custody; immigration; contractor, probate, notary, completion, etc., and other special coverage surety services in the greater San Francisco Bay area of northern California. He is a certified NRA range safety officer and firearms instructor as well as a California licensed locksmith and holds a California Commission as a Notary Public. Amateur radio is his active hobby and communications while mobile are what he enjoys the most.
The original holder of the call AA6T is Lloyd Cabral, KH6LC, who is living the easy, retired life in Keaau, Hawaii. Check out his web page at: www.KH6LC.com. There is a video link when they are contesting from there. He has a four acre estate where he uses two freestanding towers and is slowly installing his huge collection of monobanders. Lloyd moved to the Big Island from the Santa Cruz, California area after 32 years with Pacific Bell. Lloyd is still using his skills and doing contract antenna installation work in Hawaii for the GSA and the FBI. He is an ARRL Life member and an active DXer with the NCDXC radio club. He really enjoys his new QTH. However, he keeps a BMW motorcycle in Fremont, CA and comes over at least once a year for an extended motorcycle trip to visit friends around the west coast and into the North West. Recently, he returned from a three week visit to Italy. Terry visited with Lloyd last, at the DX convention in Visalia, California in April 2007,and still keeps in touch with him via computer & radio.

September 25, 2019