Robert W. 'Bob' Jones
Kelowna, BC Canada
QCWA # 38042
First Call: VE3CTM issued in 1959 Other Call(s): VE7RWJ
SWL, Christmas of 1957, Age 14, waiting to turn 15 so I could become licensed in Canada. |
Hallicrafters Model S-85 receiver (1954-5), general coverage (560 kc - 30 mc /4 bands), single conversion, amateur bandspread (80-10m), dual tuning dials, RF and audio gain controls, beat frequency oscillator, transmit/receive switch, sold for $119.95 at Sears, Roebuck and Co. |
Amateur Radio Operator Certificates
17 | April | 1959 | | Amateur Certificate No. 4 - 298 |
4 | January | 1960 | | 10 Meter Endorsement |
22 | July | 1960 | | Advanced Amateur Certificate No. 4 - 1228 |
June 26, 2019