WØDM - December 22, 2016
Donald F. 'Don' Mc Coy
Littleton, CO
QCWA # 23810
Chapter 58
I was born in The Bronx in 1933!
Joined the Navy right out of Haaren High(NYC) in 1951. I ended up as a Sonarman 2nd class on the USS CONWAY DDE 507.
We came to Colorado in 1961. I finished college out here and continued my technical career.
I worked in China (PRC) in '76 but could not get a ham license! (See July '80 for a story Wayne Green asked me to write but then put it in the letters to the editors section!)
I spent 2 years (79-81) in Saudi Arabia and operated HZ1AB once and gave out a bunch of contacts. I gave my self HZ7DM and worked some Russians on CW from my room one night! I even have a QSL from UA6BH verifying that clandestine operation!
My QTH is just south of Denver. I became a Ham in 1963 as WA0HKC and had that call for 33 years. I have been an Extra for about 10 years and was lucky enough to get my initials in the vanity lottery 2 years ago!
I work for the Electric Co. (Public Service of Colo.) and do the RFI/TVI and EMF investigation and resolutions. I expect to retire in October of 1998.