WØEOM 1929 - 2018
Wilfred 'Will' Jensby
Santa Clara, CA
QCWA # 11417
First Call: WNØEOM in 1951 Other Call(s): W3WVO WA6BQO K7JSJ
First, I want to thank you all so much for coming today. I'm overwhelmed by all of the love and support that everyone has shown during the past few months.
My father was born in a small town in rural Nebraska in 1929. His father was a farmer, and his mother was a teacher and later the town librarian. Growing up in the Great Depression brought a lasting habit to never throw anything away or check expiration dates. I was always finding items held together with rubber bands, duct tape and in one instance a broomstick holding up something in the closet.
He attended college at Nebraska Wesleyan before joining the Air Force in 1951 during the Korean War. He served as a Radar Observer, flying in the back seat of an F-94 all-weather fighter. After discharge he finished his electrical engineering degree at the University of Nebraska. It was there he was set up on a blind date with my mother, who was a divorcee five years his senior with two young children. Their marriage lasted 56 years until her death.
My father was a farmer, engineer, tinkerer, and creator. He received his amateur radio license while in the Air Force and was passionate about his many hobbies, including antique radios and tubes, books, and something called 'millimeter ham bands'. (Bob - you will have to explain this to me later) He was happy to spend all day in the garage with his radios and various gadgets.
I couldn't have asked for a better father and role model. I never heard my father lie, swear, or raise his voice. He never said no to his only daughter and treated everyone with respect no matter what their situation in life. He was a devoted husband, and a patient and kind father. He embodied core values of honesty, loyalty, kindness, intelligence, and integrity.
Faith to my father was something that you didn't really talk about, it was just part of who you were. My parents attended this church for over 30 years and sat in the same pew every single Sunday. The day before my father passed, he said he saw angels dancing on his bed. I knew then that he was ready to join my mother and all those who went before him.
So rest in peace, Dad. Thank you for being part of all of our lives.
This Eulogy was written by daughter, Kathleen Jensby
