Margot & Clay - QCWA Luncheon
March 2018 in Ames, IA
Clayton G. 'Clay' Conard
Stratford, IA
QCWA # 35461
Chapter 123
3900 Club
XYL: Margot Q# 38010 KBØMPL
Licensed as WNØGFS in 1963, WAØGFS as general class in 1964. Advanced class in 1974. Extra class in 1994. Interested in low band dxing as well as dxing in general. Participate in storm spotting and Field Day.
Am QSL manager for LZ1JY and also the RN6AH operations at EZ8CQ up to 2004. For these stations, please send card + SASE or $1and SAE for outside USA. $1 is still OK as the foreign air mail stamp is now $1.15, close enough. Buro cards from dx stations are replied to via the buro.
In the mid 1960's I operated as WAØGFS/KM6 on Midway IS and still have my logbook and a few cards. I was also operator at KM6BI and later KR6CB on Okinawa but suspect those logbooks no longer exist. I made 1 or 2 contacts from Kure Is but have no record of them.
I QSL my own contacts100% on receipt- no return postage necessary whether domestic or dx. I do appreciate an SAE or address label.
April 24, 2016