Herman J. 'Herm' Saul
Minneapolis, MN
QCWA # 35325
Chapter 35
My first contact with Ham Radio was in the military when I would have phone patches made for me from various overseas locations. Later in the 1970's when I was working as a medical missionary in West Africa, I was again the beneficiary of phone patches.
I became interested enough to study theory and code in 1985 and received my novice ticket in 1985. One or two years later I became a Technician, then General, then Advanced. Up until 15 yrs ago I lived in St Paul and was an active member of the St Paul Radio Club. I became a member of QCWA 3yrs ago after being sponsored for membership by my mentor/Elmer Dan Franz, WDØGUP. My mode interests in this hobby are HF(SSB and Digital). I am currently studying for my Extra class ticket.
I am married to Sheryl Saul, who is currently a Career Counselor at Winona State University and all our children are grown and gone.
My previous calls are: KAØUFX and NØHLS
May 28, 2013