WØHS 1910 - 1991
Melvin A. 'Auggie' Mc Collom
Topeka, KS
QCWA # 6876
Chapter(s) 35 & 110
First Call: 9BQW in 1925 Other Call(s): 9BWP
Melvin August Mc Collom
Auggie McCollum, director of rehabilitation for the blind in Kansas, made the trip 6 months ago. He traveled alone despite his own blindness and helped start a service for the blind in Paraguay. In exchange, a blind Paraguayan instructor has completed 3 months of training at Topeka.
The Kansas Lions clubs' eyeglass collections now send more than 1000 pairs of processed eyeglasses each month to Paraguay - The Kansans visited city and national officials, including President Stroessner, the longtime leader of the country. Also visited was the San Juan Baptiste vocational agriculture school where 138 boys are attempting to learn modern farming under large handicaps.
Dec 9, 2015 - Particular gratitude goes to the Kansas State Historical Society, the Topeka Room of the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, the legacy of the ..... Topekan M. August .Auggie. McCollum meets with naval recruiting officers to urge them to consider possible war contributions from blind citizens.
Published in the Topeka Magazine, Winter 2015
(Source: https://issuu.com/sunflower_publishing/docs/tm15wi)
Son, Bruce is now WØHS