Danny M. 'Dan' Dantzler
Burnsville, MN
QCWA # 28283
Chapter 8
First Call: WN0JMP issued in 1964 Other Call(s): WA0JMP
I am a Nebraska native who has been living in Minnesota since 1989. I have been licensed since 1964 and held the calls WN0JMP and WA0JMP. I currently hold an extra class license. I am a University of Nebraska graduate with undergaduate degree in business and an MBA, both receved at the Lincoln campus.
I was in the electronics business my entire carreer starting with Hy-Gain Electronics in 1967. I worked for Dale Electronics for a short time in 1978 and then joined Telex Communications (who had purchased the Hy-Gain brand and Lincoln facility). I left Telex in December of 1999.
I am active on 80M through 23cm. I enjoy QRP CW on HF, (30 and 17 my current favorite bands) and weak signal work on 6, 2, 220, 70cm and 23cm. I am very interested in digital HF and spend most of my time on JT65, JT9, FT8 and now FT4.
I have worked 287 entities and have 285 confirmed. I know that is not super impressive,but not too bad for a "little gun". I need one more state on 10 meters and one more on 15 for 5 band WAS. I just completed DXCC on 80 meters which gave me 5band DXCC. I also have DXCC on 30 and 17 and am 2 short on 12 meters.
My current station is an Icom IC-7610 and Elecraft KPA1500 for HF and 6. I have a new Icom IC-9700 for 2, 432 and 23cm. I use a Down East Microwave transverter with the 7610 for 220. I have an Elecraft KX3 for portable operations and an Icom IC-7100 for mobile. Antennas are, 43 foot vertical for 80 and 60, dipoles for 80, 40 and 30, and a 3 element SteppIR for 40 through 6 meters. On 2 meters, I have a Hy-Gain 14 element, on 220, a Directive Systems 8 element, on 70cm, a Hy-Gain 31 element and on 23cm, a Directive Systems 17 element loop yagi.
Looking forward to working you.

October 04, 2019