WØLTL - August 27, 2017
Marion M. 'Mike' Zonnefeld
Tucson, AZ
QCWA # 30188
It's with sadness that I report the passing of our friend and fellow Amateur, Mike W0LTL.
He was a long time employee of Collins Radio and a good friend to all who knew him.
He will be missed here In Tucson, and surely all of the fellow CW ops who he kept skeds with.
W0LTL ... _._
73 de Billy N6YW
I was first licensed as KNØCXG in Sanborn, (NW)Iowa in October 1959. Upgraded to Technician a year later, and then enlisted in the USAF for 4 years and obtained W5NQY in Alamorgordo NM in 1964. Upon moving to Cedar Rapids IA to start a 34 year career with Collins Radio, later Collins Rockwell, I passed the Amateur General code and theory, Advanced theory, and finally the Amateur Extra Class Code and Theory in one sitting at Des Moines IA in March of 1968. I have held the call of W0LTL ever since. I have earned WAC, DXCC, and currently am working on WAS!. I enjoy mostly CW, quite a bit of QRP on the HF bands, but also use 2Meters FM for local and travelling work. Mobile interests include Mobile CW mostly on 40 and 20 Meters. Love boat ahnchors!
The acoustic Guitar and the telescope take up the spare hours when the bands are dead or the sunspots are not favorable!
My daughter Alex is KE6HPX and also resides here in Tucson, the only other ham in the family. I am married with four children, eleven grandchildrenmand two great granchildren! They are all wonderful.
I have flown all my adult life, and hold Commercial Multiengine Single Engine Land, Commercial Flight Instructor, Flight Instructor Instruments Part 135 Certified, and have approximately 4000 hours when I retired from part time Commercial flying.
Other interestts include bicycling, country western guitar and singing, as well as model railroading. HAve a CD, Oldd SDOngs by Old Guys with W0KA on bass!
I have my own company, ZonnAir LLC, brokering turbine corporate aircraft as well as consulting in the avionics and aviation industry. My XYL Lillian is wonderful and tolerates ham radio better than most XYLs!
Lillian is an RN and Nurse Practitioner as well as quite a belly dancer! Ham Radio has been a big part of my life, and started me on a electronics and aviation career that I would not have traded with anyone. God has been very good to us! 73, Mike
