Mark W. Persons
Brainerd, MN
QCWA # 10032
Chapter 8
First Call: WNØAXD Other Call(s): WAØAXD & ABØCP
Mark Persons, W0MH, was first licensed at age 15 as a Novice in 1962 with the call WN0AXD while living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. CW was the way for a Novice to communicate back then. That skill has not been lost over the years. He still has his original straight key.
Mark served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps 1966 to 1969 teaching radar repair at Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey, then spent a year as Sergeant in Charge of an avionics repair shop in the Republic of Vietnam. Avionics is the electronics, including two way radios, carried aboard aircraft. Most of the work was done on equipment used in the U. S. Army's OV-1 Mohawk.
Mark worked in radio broadcast engineering from age 7 to 70. He and his wife Paula W0HA retired in January 2018.
Mark received the 2018 Engineer of the Year Award from the Society of Broadcast Engineers, a 5000 member international organization. In 2020 he was honored with the SBE Lifetime Achievement Award. He is a life member of the SBE, ARRL, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Disabled American Veterans.
Mark and Paula can be heard on 10,17, 20, 40, 80, and 160 meters. The station has an Icom IC-7300 Transceiver, which is good for all modes 160 through 6 meters. An Ameritron AL-80B Amplifier makes about 1000 watts from 160 to 10 meters.
Antennas include a 160 meter dipole fed at 60 feet with 450 ohm ladder line. The dipole ends are 50 feet up for great performance on all HF bands when using a tuner. Then there is an 80 meter dipole, a 20 meter inverted V, a 10 to 20 meter Cushcraft R5 vertical and a 2M/70CM vertical at the top of a 65-foot tower.
Mark checks into the Quarter Century Wireless, Chapter 8 Saturday morning net on 3908 KHz from 8 am to 9 am. You'll often hear him on Tuesdays at 10 am on the 3925 KHz PICO net around 10 am. Then, the Society of Broadcast Engineers Chapter of the Air net on the second Sunday of the month at 0000 GMT on 14.205 MHz.
Reprint of a Radio World article, Broadcast vs. Ham Radio:
Mark's commercial website is: http://www.mwpersons.com Their personal website is
They live at 10032 Island Drive in Brainerd, MN 56401.

January 2, 2023