WØOJD 1913 - 2006
Vern L. Petersen
Davenport, IA
QCWA # 13722
Chapter 123
First Call: W9OJD in 1940
https://www.eham.net/article/31638 (excert)
I had a similar experience as a young man... in the seventies... rode my bike around looking for ham antennas. Stumbled upon Davenport's "Old Junk Dealer", Vern Petersen, WØOJD. He was a fascinating WWII era (veteran) ham, who had recently retired as a broadcast engineer at TV Channel 2, WOC, in Davenport, IA. I spent many Saturdays in his basement ham shack learning and hearing stories prior to being licensed in '81 as a Novice.
Those were the days. We're not the only youngsters to do this it seems.
Pass on the Magic when you're able!
Allen, NL7W
Greetings from ARS KK4AM! I have been a ham since around 1971 when I noviced as WNØHVM. I went to elmer school through the Quad City Amateur Radio Club at the Rock Island Arsenal to get that novice license. Vern Peterson WØOJD was my elmer, Old Junk Dealer! Vern was the chief broadcast engineer at WOC radio and TV in Davenport, Iowa. He was an old school engineer and all about the technology of the day.
From: The Iowa Engineer - Fall/Winter 1997
University of Iowa
Vern L. Petersen (BSEE '50) lives in Davenport, Iowa, and reports that he is now 84. He maintains a daily routine of care for his wife, Dorothy, who has experienced some disability for the past four years. Peterson, who is retired from Palmer Broadcasting, operates amateur radio WØOJD and says that engineering is "still part of living".