WØRAG - June 18, 1988

WØRAG - Benjamin F.Swezey Jr
Dr Benjamin & Antonia Swezey and young Benjamin
Benjamin F.Swezey Jr
Minneapolis, MN

QCWA # 1688
Chapter 8
First Call: W9RAG since 1932

From: http://www.winternet.com/~swezeyt/gene/BioBenFS.htm
Benjamin Franklin, Jr (My father)
Born: February 14, 1913
Married: August 1, 1945
Died: June 1988

From: http://www.winternet.com/~swezeyt/gene/Swezlline.htm
Benjamin Franklin Swezey, Jr
Born: February 14, 1913 In Bellingham, MN
Married: 1945 To Eileen Kathleen D____ In Minneapolis, MN
Died: 1988 In Minneapolis, MN

Early and life long Amateur "Ham" Radio operator (WØRAG). Ran radio repair shop in Buffalo, MN in 1930's. World War II Navy veteraen, achieved rank of Chief Radarman. Worked for ERA which became part of Univac from which he retired after 31 years in 1977.

From: http://www.winternet.com/~swezeyt/fun/Atest.htm
WØRAG - Benjamin F.Swezey Jr
Atom Bomb Civilian Defense Test, Oct. 13, 1951,
Hennepin County, Minnesota.

5th Annual ARRL Assimilated emergency test conducted in conjunction with Civilian Defense Red Cross officials. Test planned and conducted by Benjamin F. Swezey, Jr. (WØRAG), EC for MARC of Hennepin County. MARC stands for "Mobile Amateur Radio Corps" and is a group of volunteer "Ham" radio operators who provide emergency back up communication service to the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office. Benjamin, my dad, was an early and long term member of MARC.

WØRAG - Benjamin F.Swezey Jr

Minnesota State Governor C. Elmer Anderson bending forward (second from the right with the white button). The officer is Col. Vec Phillips, C.A.P. My Dad is in back, second from left with the white CD arm band

WØRAG - Benjamin F.Swezey Jr
Checking the equipment
WØRAG - Benjamin F.Swezey Jr
Operating the radio - in back

This was no joke! My parents even had a secret code between them. If my Dad ever called my Mother using it, she was to get us children as soon as possible and get out of town. They would try to meet up later. Fortunately it never needed to be used.

This informtion complied by Benjamin's son, thanks Tom!