Rand D. 'Randy' Reynard
Castle Rock, CO
QCWA # 37119
Chapter 58
After 9 years as NQØR and with almost 20 years with a "Q" in my callsign (which was always confusing), I have a new callsign, WØRDR. I've been asked, "why a 'WØ'"? In part, it's in honor of my first 'Elmer' "WØRLK", Don Frasier who got me interested in Ham Radio as a kid. He probably doesn't even know he did it. In part, it's because I always wanted my initials as part of my callsign and when WØRDR came available (and I actually don't know how long it has been, I just checked a few weeks ago), I felt the need to grab it.
I've been a ham since 1967, and have had a long string of calls: WNØYBS, WBØYBS, KAØOBS, NØDYQ, NQØR, and now WØRDR. I think this one is a "keeper". It's just going to take a while to get used to it, not when I ID or make a call but during those "reflex" IDs...
I'm a proud and active member of Colorado Section, acting as an E.C. in a Liaison Capacity to the National Weather Service and coordinator for SKYWARN. I'm also active in my local ARES group (Colorado ARES of Douglas and Elbert Counties (www.aresdec.org)) and an avid emergency communicator, teacher, Section Technical Specialist and VE (ARRL and W5YI).
I'm also proud of my son who got his ticket a few years ago (KCØKIV) and who is an Engineer at Cessna Aircraft - continuing the 3rd generation of men in my family involved in aviation and he recently received his Private Pilot license.
73 de WØRDR
June 19, 2016