David A. 'Dave' Willis
Thief River Falls, MN
QCWA # 22949
I am in Pennington County, Minnesota: Grid EN18
I was licensed as WN9HFO in 1963. General class upgrade to WA9HFO in 1964. After upgrading to extra class in the 80's I held the call NZ&3216;R until 1996 when I acquired the call W&3216;RX. My Elmer was K9KGF, Doc, who began trying to teach me morse code when I was in 5th grade. He introduced me to DXing in the fabulous cycle of the late 1950's when a coat hanger on 10 meters, or even 6 meters, would let you work the world. Although he passed away in the early 1970's, I will always remember his persistence in getting me past the novice exam.
June 11, 2015