WØTM - November 27, 2016
Gary L. Yantis
Shawnee Mission, KS
QCWA # 23494
Chapter 35
Gary L. Yantis, beloved husband, father, grandfather brother and uncle, passed away suddenly Sunday, November 27, 2016, at his home. Visitation 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1, at Amos Funeral Home, Shawnee. The service will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. 2, at Shawnee United Methodist Church. Burial Shawnee Cemetery. A luncheon following will be served at Shawnee United Methodist Church. Memorials are suggested to Johnson County Young Matrons Scholarship Fund. Please send any donations to 11700 W. 148th St., Overland Park, KS 66221-9654.
He was born in Kansas City, Kan., on May 12, 1947, the firstborn of A. Norvell and Doris G. (Cathey) Yantis. Gary lived his entire life in the Johnson County area, primarily Shawnee. His maternal ancestors were among the founders of the city of Shawnee.
He was a lifelong member of Shawnee United Methodist Church. Gary graduated from Shawnee Mission North High School in 1965 and Central Institute of Technology with a degree in Electrical Engineering in 1967. After employment at Bendix, King Radio (now Allied Signal) and Palatine Sales, Gary founded his own electronics sales representative firm, Midtec Associates, in 1977. Midtec grew to be the largest manufacturers' representative firm in its territory and one of the premier firms in the nation. Gary instituted changes in sales techniques and office management that became the industry standards and was frequently asked to present workshops nationwide on implementing these changes.
He was recognized as one of the top reps in his field and enjoyed friendships throughout the world in electronics sales and manufacturing. Gary enjoyed entrepreneurship and began several other companies, brought them to success, and which he then sold to others in the industry.
He married Doris M. Moore Yantis on May 19, 1973, in Pleasanton Kan. They made their home in Johnson County and celebrated 43 years of marriage in May. Quoting Gary, he was the proud father of two wonderful children, Steven W. Yantis, Lawrence, Kan., and Christine M. Yantis Hargrove of Topeka, Kan. He treasured his son-in-law, Andrew B. Hargrove. And, again quoting Gary, he was the proud grandfather of four fabulous grandchildren, Junia, Gideon, Theodore and Phoebe Hargrove. He also always said that he had a wonderful wife.
Many happy hours were spent traveling, hiking and skiing in Colorado with his children, attending his grandchildren's many school and sporting events and relaxing with his dog Blaze. His children and grandchildren note that at any Dad or Granddad event, they always had to share him with the other children. His way of quietly but insistently including those on the sidelines has shaped the character of his decedents for generations to come.
Gary was preceded in death by his parents and brother-in-law, James Moore. He is survived by his wife, children and grandchildren. Also by his brother and sister-in-law, George and Jackie Yantis, Overland Park; their son Joseph Yantis and his family. Also his sister and brother-in- law, Susan and John Bolton, Overland Park and their children, Jen and Ben Tryon, Amanda and James Tomlin and Thomas Bolton. His brothers-in-law, Richard and Barbara Moore, McKinney Texas, and their children, Susan & Sean Brennan and Sally & Ron Busse and their children; Robert Moore, Bentonville, Ark., and his children, Rob & Casey Moore, Traci Moore, JoAnne Moore and Tobi Moore and their children and sister-in-law, Deanna Moore, Springdale Ark., and her children Rodger Moore, Brian and Melonie Moore and Monte and Shelley Moore and their children also survive him and have many happy and fond memories of him.
Gary was introduced to amateur radio by a good friend when he was ten and was a life-long ham, originally KØBHM and later changed to WØTM. He took great pride in being a member of the DXCC #1 club, meaning he had worked or talked to someone in every country in the world as recognized by the ARRL.
He dealt with chronic Lyme Disease for longer than 20 years. Because of his experiences he became very knowledgeable about this disease and strove to help others deal with it. Lyme disease weakened his immune system and he also developed Morgellon's Syndrome the last 3-4 years of his life. He wanted it known that he would "wish this for no one".
All who knew Gary agreed that he was "a good man".
He was a man of integrity (a "handshake contract" man), loyal, faithful, brilliant, loving and caring. He made an impact on all who worked for and with him (they all became second families) and enjoyed many friendships. He will be missed by all.
Published in Kansas City Star on November 30, 2016
I've enjoyed contesting and DXing (preferably both at the same time) almost since the beginning when I was first licensed as KNØHM in May, 1960. As a novice, I spent a few months on the 80 meter CW traffic nets then discovered DXing late one night when I worked a WV2 (a WA2 novice call in those days) after two hours of trying. After all these years still my most exciting DX contact! A few months later with a new transmitter, a VFO and a Gotham V80 vertical I was ready for big DX on 15 meters! I think it took about two years to reach DXCC and those early QSLs are still my favorite ones.
In those days, AM was still the predominate phone mode. Only the wealthiest hams could afford SSB equipment."Wealthiest" to me was any ham that financed his hobby on more than the $2 a week allowance I received as a seventh grade student. It took either SSB or high power AM to work DX on phone. Plus most DX stations were only on CW anyway since few could afford anything other than homebrew or military surplus equipment.So I spent most of my time on CW. And that's never changed to this day.There have been years I've probably not plugged in a microphone. Nothing against phone - I've just always preferred CW. However, of late I've discovered how much fun an SSB contest can be with a voice keyer! Just push buttons and save your voice!
During the 60's when school didn't interrupt the important business of hamming I entered every contest.Sweepstakes, DX tests, state QSO parties - I was in them all and they were all fun. After that I somehow missed about twenty years of hamming. Marriage, making a living, raising kids - all the usual stuff. There were a few years I'd make only one or two contacts. Clearly not a good situation! I can tell you all hams from Kansas dream of a ham station on a mountaintop somewhere. Do hams born in Colorado all dream of a ham station in the middle of a flat-as-a-board wheat field?I've spent time in the Vail area every year since my first visit in 1968.I've been able to travel all over the world in my business and the mountains of Colorado are the best of any area on earth as far as I'm concerned. By 1993 I was ready for my mountaintop ham station. Easier said than done! But, with some luck, I found a great spot on Bellyache Ridge 20 miles west of Vail. It's definitely not Kansas! At 8,700 feet I have line-of-sight visibility of 30 to 40 miles in most directions.
In the five years since I got my station up and running, I've managed to enter most of the contests and have caught almost all of the DXpeditions. Being off the air so much for all those years my DXCC total is still only 328 (354 including deleted countries).The six I still need are KP1, KP5, VU4, BS7, 7O, and FT/X.The last two I have cards from but the operations (i.e. 7O1YGF) couldn't come up with enough "proof of valid license" to satisfy the ARRL.
Recently, for the IARU contest, I tried a two radio single op setup for the first time. Worked out much better than expected. Maybe that will be an article in a future issue of the newsletter.Anytime you're in the Vail area, give me a call on 146.61 (tone 107.2). I'm four miles south of the Wolcott exit and would enjoy showing you my station and talking DX and contesting!
Update September, 2003: Doris is now W0DMY and Christine is KØBHM!
Gary, WØTM
Gary Yantis
Age 56
Married with two children . wife Doris (W&3216;DMY), son Steven, 26 and daughter Christine (K&3216;BHM!), 22.
Business owner - Midtec Associates, Inc. a manufacturers' representative of industrial electronics.
