James D. 'Jim' Spaulding
Weatherford, TX
QCWA # 16750
I was born: 1944
I am from: Billings, Montana, my original call sign K7AER. I also held WØOUE before I got my two letter call in the late 1970s.
I am married, my wife is Gladys and we have three children, Barbara, Debi (KB0AOQ), and Tim, (KA0YAA).
My equipment consists of: Two K-3, one with second receiver, and a KPA-500, equipment set up for SO2R
My Antennas are: 80 ft 45G shunt fed on 160 over 52 130 ft radials, topped with a 2 EL Optibeam for 40 and a modified 204BA (90 ft) for 20, surrounded by a four element wire parasitic array (4.5 db gain) for 80, and 58 ft of 25G topped with a 5 EL 10 and a 4 EL 15 (68 ft). I also use two rectangle BOG, 313 ft by 15 ft with feed offset 55 ft from one end on one side and the load 55 ft from the other end on the other side, oriented 30 deg and 300 deg. For the 2012/2013 season I plan to add hardware to make them reversible, giving me coverage in four directions.
Winlink 2000: I operate a Winlink2000 Remore Mail Server on 144.95 MHz with good coverage of Parker and Tarrant Couties.
My favorite Activity: Contesting (I like it, I love it, can't get enough of it)
Significant Achievements: Top of Honor Roll (currently one down), 5BDXCC, 160 M DXCC (All low power and QRP) 5BWAZ
Clubs: North Texas Contest Club, DFW Contest Group, Past President of the Amateur Radio Club of Parker County, Tri County Amateur Radio Club, Lone Star DX Association, DIsaster Response Emergency Communications Team. I am a past president of the Twin City DX Association and Mile Hi DX Association and have served the ARRL as a Volunteer Examiner, Offical Observer, and Local Government Liaison.
August 21, 2016