W1AAT - January 20, 2017
Allen A. Tinker
Waitsfield, VT
QCWA # 33436
Chapter 146
Born: December 12, 1939
First Call: WN4FSP Other Calls: W4FSP KB1JBX
FAYSTON - Allen Arnold Tinker died on Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, at the age of 77 years, 36 days. Born in Jackson, TN, on Dec. 15, 1939, Allen was the second son (born a mere seven minutes after his twin, Warren) to Arnold Ray Speedy Tinker (Perryville, TN) and Jewel Velma Reed (Lexington, TN). His sister, Mary (Bryant), joined the family on leap year four years later. Infant sister, Jewel Mary, predeceased Allen before he was even born but who was nevertheless a constant member of the Tinker family. Married to Lucy Turner in 1963, son John (Christa Godston) and daughter Dori (Robert Stiles) arrived in 1969 and 1971, respectively. His legacy and DNA continue through his grandchildren, Anna and James (Tinker) and Julia and Kirsten (Stiles).
A celebration of life for Allen will be held at The Round Barn Farm, 1661 East Warren Road, Waitsfield, Vermont, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017, at 11 a.m. with a reception to follow. For those who wish, memorial gifts, in lieu of flowers, would be appreciated to the Allen Tinker Scholarship Fund, c/o HUHS, Harwood Union High School, 468 Vermont Route 100, South Duxbury, VT 05660, c/o Wendy Gilbert. Assisting the family is the Perkins-Parker Funeral Home in Waterbury, VT. To send online condolences and to read a more complete obituary, please visit www.perkinsparker.com or the funeral home Facebook page.
I received my Novice license on 29 April 1954 at age 14 and was W4FSP in the decade 1955-1965. Graduate School in English Literature (UT Knoxville) and Seminary (Union NYC) prevented my logging the then required operating time for license renewal. I let my license expire in 1965 knowing that if I lied on the renewal application that the FCC would surely ask to see my log. Soon thereafter the FCC dropped the operating time requirement!
Was reintroduced to Amateur Radio by a wonderful group of Mad River Valley hams: Fred WA1LIE and Jo KB1EPT, Ken KB1GPQ and Fran KB1GPP and Dave W1DEC. Received new call KB1JBX in Nov 2002 and vanity call sign W1AAT in Jan 2003. The previous and likely original holder of W1AAT was Louis J. Rizoli of Salem, MA.
A retired clergyman, Steven's Tech Fund Raiser, Manufacturer's Rep to the Aluminum Rolling Industry and Mad River Canoe receptionist and company ambassador, I'm now driving school bus part time and substitute teach occasionally at the local high school. Someday I will take the Winnebago to Tucson for the winter!
Interests include Grandchildren, Genealogy, Golf, Green Mountains, Astronomy, Garrison Keillor and growing older gracefully.
Home is in the spectacularly beautiful 24x5 mile Mad River Valley in the heart of Vermont's Green Mountains where Sugarbush and Mad River Glen are local roadside attractions. My home address is 700 Rankin Road, Fayston, VT 05660 (Grid: FN34of) and I like to hike down to the mailbox to fetch QSL cards!