W1BB - May 5, 1990
Stewart S. 'Stew' Perry
Winthrop, MA
QCWA # 191
OOTC # 218
First Call: 1BB
Stew Perry, W1BB, devoted much of his life to demonstrating what was possible on the 160M band and received 160M DXCC #1 on November 1, 1976. Through his W1BB 160M Bulletins, which he circulated to others for free, he encouraged interest in the band for almost 60 years.
His role in the early transatlantic tests conducted in the 1930's inspired many amateurs on each side of the Atlantic to become involved with Topband. Perhaps his most important contributions, though, were his efforts aimed at returning the band to Amateur use after WWII. At the time of his death in 1990, Stew had about 156 post-war DXCC entities confirmed on Topband.
The community of 160M amateurs who today enjoy this difficult band owe a huge debt of gratitude to this humble, unassuming man who once named 160M the "Gentleman's Band". It is altogether fitting and proper that we stop and pay homage to the "grand old man of 160M" in these pages. Thanks Stew for showing us the way!
Jeffrey Briggs, K1ZM

One of many 'Stew' Perry 160 Meter Awards received over the years
The Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge has established itself as the friendly 160 meter contest. While it enjoys strong activity, the band is slightly less crowded than the major 160 meter contests. This provides more opportunities for the non super-stations to make intercontinental QSOs. After the passing of Jack, VE1ZZ in 2018, the event that takes place in October was renamed the LowBand Jack.